Airenarch (Air-IN-Narc)

Airenarchs are local leaders, typically that of the native aristocrats, who preside directly over settlements within the Astrican Republic . In some cases, Airenarchs are sent from the Senate to rule over a town or city, but this is usually only done when a native Airenarch is not possible.    Airenarchs represent a crucial step in the Republic's ruling philosophy. By allowing local, native leaders to be the first step in the ladder of rulership, they are able to both gain a leader identifiable by the people, keeping native populations happy, as well as gaining an expert consultant in the people of a region as well as the history and terrain.     Airenarchs historically are very well paid and well respected by the Senate. Keeping Airenarchs happy, while still keeping a firm hand over them, ensures their loyalty and cooperation. This system has had little issues thus far in the Republic. There have been isolated cases of Airenarchs utilizing their influence to gather fighters for rebellions and coups, but these are usually identified early by Astrican spies, and promptly put down.    Currently, Andai is the only city that does not and will never have an Airenarch. All other settlements (with the exception of Tomari) have native Airenarchs to represent families with long and storied histories in their town or province.
Nobility, Hereditary


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