Astrican Republic

"Will you die for our Republic? I will! Now, raise your shields, ready your swords, and fight with me!"   - Praetor Maximas Tiber, his last recorded words before the destruction of the 3rd Legion.
    The Astrican Republic is a human nation on the Igrora coast of Shaeral. They are direct decedents of the Aratans, who are all believed to have died during the Cataclysm on the lost continent of Shogax. While fleeing the Shogax, those who landed on the coast found themselves in immediate combat with various Elven tribes. This solidified the need for the Astricans to upkeep a strong and ready military, forging the Astrican Legions.   Now, the Republic is a formidable and growing power in the region.


The Astricans trace their roots back back to another continent, the now lost continent of Shogax. Shogax was a distant land, and according to legend, contained many different types of humans, Elves, and other strange beings only native to Shogax. One tribe of man, known as the Aratans, dominated the continent. The Aratans climbed from a tribe of humble beginnings to a continent dominating empire. Those who did not assimilate were enslaved without question, and the Aratans used their superior tactics and willpower to defeat any that stood against them.   The Aratans ruled over the continent for hundreds of years, until the Cataclysm began. The events of the Cataclysm struck at Shogax harder than any other continent, and thus, the Aratans had to fight on every border, internally and externally, to stave off Aznakh's hordes. The Aratans put up a valiant effort for decades, but eventually, they were chipped away at systematically. As other continents were finally gaining a foothold against the Orcs, the Aratans were losing all that they had accomplished.    In the final days of the Aratans, a dark reality set over them. A split began to form between the last surviving Aratans, to flee from Shogax in hopes to find safety, or to fight and die in their homeland.   There was infighting for the right decision for months, before the Orc hordes finally arrived on the doorstep of the last remaining Aratan foothold. That night, thousands fled the last remaining city, while thousands of others prepared to fight for one last time. Those who fled did so in massive fleets, heading straight East, in hopes to escape the horrors of Shogax.   The fleets were in two main components. They sailed together for weeks until a storm eventually separated the two, and sunk many of their ships.  One half of the fleets arrived on the island of Agostino, while the other half landed on the Igrora Coast, these people would eventually become the Astricans.   Upon landing, the Astricans found themselves immediately engaged in warfare. Fighting a clan of Sea Elves on the very beaches they landed, the ground in which they landed was already stained with blood. Despite being unprepared, the Sea Elves proved no match for the Astrican marines, who fought their way up the beach and to their settlement, where the tribe leader surrendered. The Astricans were relieved to find no orcs upon arrival, but now they were enrolled into a war against various Sea Elf clans.   This war would go on for two years before finally concluding, and the Astricans had struck out land that was now theres. The city of Andai was established during this conflict, and now had the chance to grow. Establishing contact with the Astani, their cousins from the voyage, trade began, and the process of building had finally started.   During their time, the Republic fought off and destroyed various tribes of man, elf, and beast in order to expand their territory. The Senate grew, and thus did its authority. The Senate vowed to not make the mistakes of the Empire before them, and now utilize various races within their Republic, even allowing them to serve as auxiliary forces to bolsters.    Now, the Republic finds itself at a pivotal moment as more influential senators and elected officials gain more power and imperium, seeking to shape the Republic to their will. The path the Republic will take from this moment on is up in the air, but several senators fear that trouble may be on the horizon, both internal and external.

Demography and Population

As it stands, only humans are allowed to be granted citizens of the Republic. While Elves, Beast Folk, and other races are allowed to own live and own property within the Republic, they are not allowed to vote, and thus cannot stand full citizenship. On rare exceptions, governors or the Senate can bestow citizenship on a non-human, this is usually a great honor.   Within the city of Andai itself, one could find any number of races moving in and about the city. While primarily citizens, Elves of all kinds and Beast Folk also live and work within the city.


The Republic relies on legions, commanded by a Legate, who is typically a consul or Praetor, to protect the interest of the Republic. These legions are made up of men called to action. There are five primary ranks within the legion, that being the Velites, Hastati, Princeps, Triari, and Equites.   Non-Astricans can serve within the Legion, but always within an auxiliary formation. Other humans along with Elves and Beast Folk have been used by Legions to achieve victory.


Astricans have many temples to both Aldron and Jhuvik, but most Astricans worship the deities of Saelus, Yvilos, and Aemis.
Founding Date
0 3AE
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Legislative Body
The Senate of Andai makes up the legislative body of the Republic.
Controlled Territories

Trading, Non-Aggression Pacts

The Republic has always worked with its distant cousins, the Astani. They have maintained a cooperative stance towards each other, and trade has allowed both nations to flourish.

Trading, Cooperative

The Dominion and the Republic have worked together since first contact was made. The Yekai considered the Republic the first civilized humans they had encountered, and thus, an immediate bond was formed. Information trading, goods trading, and military joint-exercises are common between the two nations. The Dominion has stood as a constant deterrent for a possible Alemar invasion.

Trading, Cooperative

The Astricans have a deep respect for the Nekorians, who they find to be honorable and great warriors. There has been trade between the two nations for decades, and the two will regularly cooperate when possible.

Trading, Cooperative

The Nomads of Khuril and the Republic have worked together recently, despite a rough start to their relations. When an Armini horde invaded flooded through Khuril, it was the Astricans who sent in two legions to help push them out. Unfortunately, this led to the destruction of both legions, perhaps one of Astrica's worse defeats in its history.    Khuriillians often provide great auxiliary cavalry for the Astricans.

Trading, neutral

The Republic and Theodus have maintained a functional trading relationship for a few years. Their valuable goods have been remarkable additions to the Republic's market places.

Neutral, little to no contact.

The Republic has had little to no contact with the Gnomes of Deghrom. It has been recorded in official Senate hearings that the Gnomes have been described by Senators as "strange, unnatural creatures."

Neutral, little to no contact.

Only a few envoys have been between the Republic and the Necessi, and in all of them, the Necessi have made it very clear that they wish for no Astricans step foot within their territory, that they pledge to defend with all of their might.

Neutral, little to no contact.

There has been little official contact with the Clans and the Republic due to buffer states. Some Lizards have made their way into Astrican society, and they are typically outcasts or treated somewhat standoffishly by Astricans and other citizens.


The Republic does not find the presence of Beolshaer raiders pleasant, nor do most Senators accept the notion that they have established a functional 'Jarldom' on Igrora, but there has been little to no contact with the Beolshaer people.

At Peace

Border clashes have occurred between the Republic and the people of the Leonii for decades. Both sides currently maintain an uneasy peace, and Astrican travelers are often warned to stay clear of the the Leonii borders.

At Peace

The Astricans and the Alemar have been in a pseudo cold war for hundreds of years. The Empire believes the Republic to be a threat, and seek to contain them as soon as possible. However, a campaign in Astrica would currently be unsustainable, as well as heavily disadvantageous to the Alemar. Proxy wars, spies, sabotage, and infiltration has been the name of the game for both sides instead. The Republic is always on the look out for spies and other malicious Alemar agents.


The Republic and the Dhorusian Kingdom have had little contact, due to the Leonii acting as a buffer state. However, as a nation of refugee Dark Elves, the Republic finds them repulsive. It's likely that if there is any diplomacy, the Republic will not respond in kind towards the Dark Elves.

There may be no more a disgusting, vile enemy than the Sermini people to an Astrican. The Sermini destroyed two legions in vicious fashion, ambushing them during their travels. Later investigation of the ambush site found Legionnaire's bodies mutilated, strung up through the trees, and even seemingly eaten at the face and other various body parts. Fingers, eyes, lips, and other body parts were removed with claws or knives. The Sermini have since retreated into their lands, but the Senate has sworn to gain vengeance for these atrocities.


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