
The Alemar, also known as the First Elves, are the oldest race of humanoids on Bodhan Torr. They are the first species capable of intelligent thought, created by the Gods themselves. The Alemar are an ancient race, having survived many perils and disasters. They are extremely proficient in magic, and see themselves as the rightful rulers of Shaeral and Bodhan Torr. They honor intelligent thought and proficiency in schools of magic. The Alemar are cursed, however. A perfectly created home, known as the Divine Valley, was bestowed upon the Alemar. The Divine had everything they could ever need to thrive. Thousands of years ago, however, a large contingent of Alemar left the Divine, angering the Gods who cursed the Alemar for allowing the Elves to leave so easily. Alemar cannot reproduce and create more Alemar, instead, they are born as High Elves , who are genetically inferior to the Alemar. Despite this, the Alemar are still an extremely proud and traditional people. They typically look down on other elves as mutants as sorts, but most Alemar understand that they are natural born leaders to the Elf populations. Alemar are highly respected by other Elves, with the exception of the Dark Elves.

Physical Traits

All Alemar stand tall, at least 6'0, with the tallest among them around 6'8. All Alemar have pristine white hair, with bold, blue eyes. They typically have slightly sunken in features in the cheeks, with well defined jawlines.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Alemar typically have one name. These names are derived from their language and typically have deeper meanings and complex ideas behind each name. For example, the name "Bhyrinadaar", the God of the Elves, means "He who unites, he who conquers". Another example is the name Yrnaris, which means "He who commands with might and power".    
Example Name
Agarzras Agsaroth Balmhor Balsur Girmitil Glengriath Harmitil Harzhor Irenaris Korgoth Latpiroth Niriprith Nyrgroth Rynmitil Terebys Teredanyis Tereprith Torprith Uresebir Wirigriath Wirikaris Ydhemhor Yrdanyis

Alemar Stats

Age Alemar Elves, like all elves, do not die from old age. They can only be killed, or they may choose to die once they feel their life is accomplished.   Alignment While Elves in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Alemar tend to follow lawful or neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All Elves are medium sized.   Speed Alemars base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Alemar speak Old Elvish. They may speak two other types of Elvish and one learn another language of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Alemar Elves gain a +1 to Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma   Blood of the First Elves: Alemar Elves are proficient in combat against many types of adversaries. High Elves can choose one type of enemy to gain advantage against in combat.
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