The Alemar Empire

"We blessed Alemar deserve nothing less than this whole world. We were here first, and we shall be here last."   - Bhyrinadaar, first Emperor of the Alemar Empire.
  The Alemar Empire is an Elven empire off the East coast of Shaeral, and consists of the largest single realm on the entire continent. The empire consists of the Alemar, the High Elves, the Wood Elves, the Swamp Elves, and the Dark Elves. The Empire was one of the few nations on the entirety of Bodhaan that were able to directly fight off the Cataclysm, utilizing its diverse skill set among each Elven kingdom, and even utilized the Dark Elves to further bolster their numbers.   The Alemar Empire is the most powerful and influential force on the continent. They have established the "Domain", which is a treaty that is held with any Elven kingdom who wishes to submit to the Empire. Any nation within this Domain is subject to Alemar law and ultimate rule, but they are allowed to maintain some level of autonomy. Nations in the Domain also receive Alemar protection from any potential invaders.


The Alemar Empire consists of five different Elven races, therefor pinning all of their culture at once would be nearly impossible. However for the Alemar and High Elves, who make up a majority of the population near the heartland of the Empire, they can be described as prideful and stubborn. They have always believed themselves superior in one way or another. While High Elves usually make more noise of it, the Alemar simply expect themselves and other Alemar around them to gracefully achieve their goals. High Elves, who are technically a spawn of a curse, will often verbally remind their peers of their achievements and strengths, most likely as a way to try to counter the stigma of their existence to the Alemar, who many High Elves look up to.

Public Agenda

The number one goal of the Empire, first and foremost, is to protect the state of the Domain. Those who are encompassed within the Domain meet regularly at the Hall of Thuurlaen, a grand chamber within the Emperor's palace. Here, they can express concerns of each of their nation directly to the Emperor. While the Emperor has complete and total say over what actions are taken on a large scale, this gives sub servant kings and queens a chance to speak directly to the Emperor, instead of relying on messengers.


Pre Aeta

The first kingdom of Alemar was established early on in the Alemar's creation. As the Alemar were created directly by the Gods, they were granted the Divine Domain, a perfect and tranquil land that suited the Alemar's every needs. For thousands of years, the Alemar lived peacefully in this domain, unable to be bothered by the chaotic forces of the outside world. This all came to a crashing end when an expedition of Alemar left the Domain in search of new lands. This expedition did not leave without causing a stir, and for the first time within the Domain, there was war. On one side, the Divine, who demanded that all Alemar must stay within the Domain. On the other side, the Manifest, who believed it was their duty to explore what potentials laid outside of the Domain.   A vicious war was fought within the Domain, and in the chaos of it all, a large portion of Alemar were able to escape, fleeing to the outside world for the first time. They were encapsulated in awe at the size of the world around them, however, this angered the Gods.    For failing to remain within the Divine Domain, and essentially rejecting a gift from Aldron and Jhuvik, the two laid a curse upon the Alemar, who were doomed to a slow death. From that point on, only one in every ten thousand children were to be born Alemar. The rest would be born as Kelali, or High Elves, genetically inferior to the Alemar. For each Elf that strayed further and further from the Domain, the more un-Elf like they would become.    This was not enough for Aldron and Jhuvik's wraith. In the eyes of the Gods, the Elves were granted a perfect world, keen to the afterlife, and yet even this they rejected. The Elves were deemed unfit for the Heavens, and thus, all Elves who died would be barred from entering it, and instead would be born again as another Elf. In order to strip their memories, they would be put through a great, Cleansing Fire. This hellfire would burn away their memories and most of their soul, causing unforetold amounts of agony. Once this process was complete, the Elf would be born again, as a new being. This experience would feel like years of torment.    The Cleansing Fire is a known curse to all Elves, and something they greatly fear.   Despite the numerous set backs the Alemar faced, those who remained continued on. Building a Kingdom out of the remains of the Divine Domain, which now laid in ruins from the schism, the city of Istial was born. This city served as the capital of a new Alemar Kingdom.    The history of the rest of the Pre-Aeta for the Alemar Kingdom is that of relatively peaceful expansion. Other kingdoms were formed, and new subraces of Elves began to appear, such as the Wood Elves of Ruvia, the Swamp Elves of Nuvia, and the Dark Elves of Caelmor. Other, more minor Elven races appeared as well, but were far outside the influence of the Alemar, and had ventured so far from the Domain that they were hardly recognizable as elves. These included the Sea Elves, the Desert Elves, and the Snow Elves.   

The 1st Aeta

The 1st Aeta for the Alemar is marked with the crowning of King Bhyrinadaar. Bhyrinadaar is a legendary Elf, taught and known to all Elves, no matter the subrace. He reigned for the entire history of the 1st Aeta, and is perhaps the greatest warrior in the history of Shaeral.    Bhyrinadaar was not only a capable fighter, but also an incredible diplomat. Under his rule, the Domain was formed, which brought the Wood Elves, the Dark Elves, and the Swamp Elves back into the fold of the Kingdom. At this point, Bhyrinadaar crowned himself Emperor of the Alemar.    Bhyrinadaar was immensely popular, and faced little to no opposition to this power grab. To many Elves, they expected Bhyrinadaar to lead them forever. It should also be noted that the infamous Slaughter of Jiristiil occurred during Bhyrinadaar's reign, and it was him who expunged all Dark Elves to Nowhere, forever.   Bhyrinadaar launched many campaigns of expansion, pushing the Empire to its largest extent. During these campaigns, Bhyrinadaar was known to fight directly on the ground with his troops. It was even rumored that he rode on top of a fearsome dragon during his later campaigns, destroying the enemies of the Alemar with brutal dragon's breath.   Bhyrinadaar, however, had greater aspirations than to be a mere ruler of an Empire. Once Bhyrindaar had completed his Impossible Conquest, he ascended into Deityhood, becoming a patron deity for all Elves.   

The 2nd Aeta

Following Bhyinadaar's rule and ascension, civil war broke out as a power vacuum was created.  This civil war, known to Alemar as the War of Ascension, lasted nearly eight hundred years, and ended in the crowning of Emperor Undile.    The 2nd Aeta is relatively unremarkable for the Empire. A war was fought between the Yekai and the Alemar, and to the Alemar's surprise, they were defeated by the Yekai, and thus had to give up claims to their island.  

The 3rd Aeta

The 3rd Aeta has been primarily marked with the arrival of the Astricans, who have bee on the Alemar's radar ever since they arrived. A sort of Cold War has been ongoing, where a game of information collecting, infiltration, and proxy wars between the two states is almost always occurring. In the year 201, a brief conflict occurred between the two states, where they go to war for several months. The war, known as the War of the Rivers, was fought primarily within Astrica, and began due to a diplomatic incident that led to the deaths of twenty nine Alemar diplomats who resided in Andai. The war was brief, and the battles were relatively small. Despite the war coming to an end once it had came out that the death of the Alemar diplomats was a plot by a greedy Senator, who was promptly executed, the war was a great way for the Alemar to gauge Astrican tactics and formations, and the war itself is regularly studied by Alemar War Scholars.   Now, tensions continue to rise between the Astricans and the Alemar. While no match for the full strength of the Alemar Empire, the Astricans continue to show a surprising level of efficiency, and regularly catch the Alemar off guard with their new tactics and life style. It may only be a matter of time before another incident sparks war, and with some of the Republic looking to expand towards established Elf kingdoms, the Domain may just reach out to them, and bring the Alemar into the fold of any potential conflict.


The military forces of the Alemar are made up of several key components.  
  • A strong infantry with unique, magic-dispelling weaponry and armor, making magic use against them nearly ineffective, and making them highly effective at killing magic casters. 
  • Strong auxiliary forces from other Elves such as the Wood Elves, who provide accurate archers, and High Elves, who serve as front line troops and powerful battle mages, enhancing their allied troops and casting destructive magic onto the battlefield.
  • Highly trained and experienced Commanders who are not only fierce warriors, but master level strategist, able to flex and bend to any possible situation, utilizing hundreds or thousands of years of experience. 


The Alemar empire worship Aldron and Jhuvik, and almost entirely worship Bhyrinadaar as their patron Deity, with the exception of the Dark Elves.

"The First, The Last."

Founding Date
Unknown, sometime during the 1st Aeta.
Alternative Names
The First Empire
Alemar, Elven
Government System


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