
"The blood of the Aratans was spilled as soon as the ships broke land. We have no choice but to conquer."   - Unknown Centurion
  Andai is the capital of the Astrican Republic. It has served as its capital since 0 3AE, the year of its establishment. Beginning as a small landing site for fleeing Aratans from Shogax, it quickly grew into a small city as more and more refugees eventually landed.   Andai now serves as the beating heart of the Republic. It's trade and cultural significance keeps the Republic alive and well. The city itself is a tourist point for many, attracted by it's lures of gorgeous architecture and its impressive entertainment industry.


  • 90% Astrican
  • 6% Other humans
  • 3% Elven
  • >1% Beast Folk (Primarily Nekorians)


Andai is protected by grand walls that surround its entirety. Currently, a new wall is building built past the original, meant to extend the city. This will eventually give the city itself two layers of walls protecting it.


Andai is divided into several districts.   The Arruns District is the first district upon entering the city. It contains many of the skilled laborers such as blacksmiths, carpenters, fletchers, and more. It also contains a shopping center along with the Legionnaire's Guild, for retired Legionnaires.   The Drusi sits along the North-Eastern portion of the town, and contains many of the monuments dedicated to heroes of Astrica, along with many of its religious sites and temples.   The Nave district sits on the farthest Northern portion of the town, and its highlight is the docks and the grand marketplace that sits just inside of the city walls. There it contains many places to shop and spend coin.   The Mirun Tempetti sits in the city center, and contains much of the city's entertainment. There is a Circus, a grand fighting arena, and several theatres. There is also a grand bath house. This district is also home to the Warrior's Guild, who regularly entertain fighters at the arena.   The Collis district is the final district. It sits on a small hill overlooking most of the city, and is where the Senate regularly convene. It is a guarded district, where only senators and those requested by senators can enter.

Guilds and Factions

Legionnaire's Guild - A guild specifically designed for retired legionnaires. While young, serving men can enter, they cannot partake in any of the clubs benefits unless they have completed a full twenty year's of military service. They serve as a place for retired legionnaires to gather, share stories, assets, train and spar.   Warrior's Guild - The Warrior's Guild of Andai, specifically known as the Contenders, serve as Andai's premiere fighting league. They entertain the crowd at the arena and serve as mercenaries for hire. Membership is highly exclusive, and one must show great combat ability in order to even be considered entry into the league.   Sancti Militari - Not so much a guild as much as it is an order, the Sancti Militari reside in the North-Eastern district, inside of a holy temple payed and built by their own members. This temple, dedicated to the Gods Aldron and Jhuvik, serves as their base of operations. The Sancti Militari, or "the Chosen" as they sometimes refer to themselves, is a order of holy warriors who embark on religious expeditions to far off lands to fight and expel evils from the world in the name of Saelus, Yvilos, or whatever Diety they bring glory to.   Explorer's Guild - The Explorer's Guild is a guild of dedicated, seafaring individuals who embark to parts unknown to map and scout the world around them. They are part explorer, part adventurer, often times delving into dangerous dungeons and unknown ruins looking for valuable loot and mysteries to uncover.  

Political Parties 

While political parties don't truly exist, there are certain beliefs among Senators that can group them into so called 'parties'   Conservatives believe in the deeply rooted traditions of the Aratans, and also are keen on keeping themselves and others of similar class where they are. Most Conservatives believe that there is a clear distinction between themselves, the Patrons, and the common man, the Ordiens. These distinctions are what allow their society to function, where every man has a clear and concise role, those who are to lead and those who are to follow. Most Conservatives are concerned with keeping the class system in check, as well as preserving their own legacies, which in turn will push the legacy of Astrica on.   Populist believe that any man can achieve any goal, as long as he himself is worthy of it. They often find themselves champions of the people, and can at times use this popularity to their advantage. Populist are excellent when dealing with the Ordien's Assembly, but often times find themselves frowned upon by more conservative senate members. Populist are more often than not those who come from military backgrounds who climbed the ranks of Ordien to Patron.    Shaeralist believe that the fall of the Aratans came to their reluctance to work with others. While perhaps the smallest portion of the Senate, Shaeralist believe that a future must be forged together with those around them, even to include Elves, is essential to avoid another downfall such as the Aratans once had.


Pre-Aratan Arrival

Before the Aratans arrived, the land in which Andai sat on was owned by a nation of Sea Elves, known as the Oralan Kingdom. Sea Elves are a rare breed of Elves, and perhaps the smallest in number. The Orala Kingdom sat outside the influence of the Alemar's Dominion, and therefor did not receive any sort of military aid once the Aratans arrived. The area was inhabited for thousands of years prior to the Aratans. Many different tribes other than the Oralan Kingdom settled the land, however these tribes were minor and usually only consisted of a few hundred to a few thousand members. Historians estimate roughly 94 tribes, consisting of humans, elves, and beast folk.  

Arrival of the Aratans

  Sources are conflicting when describing the events that occurred when the Aratans landed. Aratan scholars say that upon landing, they were immediately met with archers who fired upon the ships, killing many of the older men, women and children. Surviving Oralans say there was a diplomatic meeting upon the beach that had gone south, and that the Aratan diplomat killed the Oralan where he stood, beginning the conflict. No matter what happened, a war broke out almost immediately.   The war lasted two years, with the Aratans, now dawning the name 'Astrican', first settling on the defensive. Oralans initially believed that the Aratans could starved out, and thus a perimeter was held. It was not until more and more Astrican warriors arrived at various points along the coast did the Oralans realize they may soon be outnumbered. Now on the attack, the Oralans found themselves no match for the Astrican's foreign infantry tactics. Soon, the Oralans were the ones pushed out, and their fledging kingdom was shortly destroyed aftterwards.
Founding Date
0 3AE
Roughly 200,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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