Beolshaer Jarldom

The Beolshaer is a human nation of Beol who have settled along the eastern end of the Andai river. They are a hardy and independent people, who are foreigners to the land around them. Like all Beold, they originally come from a since frozen island that has been lost to time. The Beolshaer, fleeing the island, took their ships along the Igrora coast hundreds of years ago and sailed down the Andai river, landing in their new, temperate home. Since their arrival, the Beolshaer have fought off numerous other tribes of men and Elves, however their intense fighting spirit and tenacity allowed them to stay in their newly founded home.


Beolshaer culture is defined by three main aspects:
  • One's freedom/independence
  • One's ability to fight for said freedom/independence
  • One's willingness to achieve their destiny.
  The Beolshaer specifically have strong cultural connections to their ancestors, and they believe that each living thing has a destiny to fulfill, and whether the Gods be for or against the completion of this destiny, it is something that cannot be ignored, as to ignore it would be to spell an early spiritual death.   Beolshaer are fierce warriors, and when faced with an honorable fight, its almost impossible for them to resist the challenge. Beolshaer worship the same Gods, but also worship Hriedmar, who they believe to be the essence of their combined ancestors, watching over them as they fight on in battle. All Beolshaer who die with a weapon in their hand live forever, becoming apart of Hriedmar.


The Beolshaer are impressive sea navigators, and are able to effectively navigate almost anywhere with incredible speed. This makes them dangerous river navigators and sea raiders.


Arriving sometime around the 100th year of the Third Aeta, the Beolshaer were immediately embroiled into combat once arriving. While most aren't really sure where they come from, their Shamans tell the tale of a frozen island North of Shaeral from which they fled. According to legend, this particular set of Beolshaer actually landed in several places, before finally landing in the temperate forest of central Igrora, which they now call their home.   Upon landing, they found themselves in the middle of a High Elven kingdom. The Beolshaer wasted no time engaging them in battle, catching the High Elves off guard and slaughtered many of them. The Beolshaer immediately razed several lakeside villages and mustered their forces to engage the Kelali in the field, crushing them in a decisive victory where the Beolshaer berserkers broke through the left flank, causing the quick collapse of the Elven forces. The Kelali in the area immediately abandoned it after the loss, and scattered to the winds. Some went North East, to rejoin the Alemar, while others fled towards Astrica.   This would not be the end of conflict for the Beolshaer. Not long after, human tribes to their west began to poke at their borders, but these were easily dispatched of. Beolshaer Thanes led an aggressive army into the tribal's lands, and sacked and looted anything they could. Those who resisted them were killed on the field.   The Beolshaer are a troublesome faction in the center of Igrora. They rarely allow those who haven't gained their trust access onto the lakes and rivers they patrol, and new issues seem to be arising between them and nearby humans and elves alike. Many expect raiding parties to soon emerge from the Beolshaer, and for war to quickly follow.
Founding Date
Sometime around 100 3AE
Related Ethnicities


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