Dhorusian Kingdom

"The Dhorusians? Is that what they are calling themselves now? Let it be known that they are nothing more than rats. Vermin. They will be brought to heel, and for their insubordination and blatant disrespect of the Gods and the law, they will all be put to the sword."  
  • Althidonsaari, Alemar Minister of Foreign Affairs when questioned about the rogue state of the Dhorusian Kingdom.
  • The Dhorusian Kingdom is a kingdom created after the largest escape of Dark Elves in history from Nowhere, which occurred in the 122nd year of the 3rd Aeta. Led by a single elf known as Khenzetaa, the massive exodus of Dark Elves was an organized revolt, that led to the deaths of nearly 16,000 Alemar soldiers and to the sinking of four Alemar fleets. The revolt mostly consisted of the entire city of Vavith, along with some other minor settlements that joined the efforts of Khenzetaa. Once the escape was successful, the fleeing Dark Elves travelled in a large fleet down the Astrican and Yekai coast, knowing that Alemar ships would not dare to follow. Many Dark Elves landed in various places all over the coast, but most of the fleet followed the Andai river until they landed where they now settle today.  


      The Dhorusians are somewhat distinct from their Caelor roots. The Dhorusians have a strict system of who can practice necromancy, where in typical Dark Elf culture, all are free to do so, and are even encouraged. This restriction of necromancy has been a point of tension for some time with many Dhorusians, however it has kept neighboring states mostly neutral towards the Dhorusians. The Dhorusians also have a distinct hatred for nearly all other elves, and usually attempt diplomacy with humans and beast folk. Many modern Dhorusians have begun to drop their elvish names entirely in favor of more human like names.  


      The Dhorusians are formed as a feudal kingdom, where Lords (known as a Biafynd) control fiefs granted by King Khenzetaa. King Khenzetaa rules by a right of liberation, where he claims he and his bloodline alone stands the reason for the creation of the Kingdom, therefor he has the right to rule it. Many of the noblemen and women of Dhorusia feel a sort of "owed debt" to King Khenzetaa, which mostly keeps them in check. Underneath the Lord are the Bialaers, who directly manage day to day operations within a given town or city. They are also in charge with maintaining a strong retinue for use of the Biafynds, and raising local forces when the time comes for war.  


      The Dhorusians are known to keep a strong and well supported military aimed towards the total defense of their lands. Necromancers are attached within their military formations to bolster their typically lower numbers. The Dhorusian Guard, who descend from the Temple Guards of Vavith, are an elite force who are said to hold any line at any cost.     

    Relations with Others

      The Dhorusians keep mostly functional relations with their neighbors. They are known to trade with the Leonii, and occasionally will ferry their goods to the Yekai Dominion as well. Their biggest trade partner are the Astani , with whom they trade most of their rare and exotic goods.


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