
"The school is a blessing in some ways, and a curse in others. If I'm being honest with you, I just think it's an eyesore."   - Telcis Cicario, Flutais citizen in the year 204 3AE.
  Flutanis is a major city within the Astrican Republic. It is the capital of the province of Avenna, which contains the town of Serdica, the villages of Nidum, Padum, and Fort Avenio. Flutanis is the second oldest city in the Republic, having been established in the 97th year of the 3rd Aeta. Flutanis began as a fishing town, and still has a strong and healthy fishing industry in place today. One of the noticeable features of the city is the Arcane College that sits on a plateau just north of the city. Allegedly, the plateau once contained a small forest with a small lake, and one day, the College was in its place. It's not confirmed if the College just appeared there, but mages immediately noticed a strong, magical pull to the building. What exactly fuels the magical essence around the college is still a mystery, but it has been a draw to the magically inclined of the Republic.


Flutanis serves as a regional capital, and a governor oversees the city itself and surrounding, smaller villages.


Flutanis is divided into three districts, marked as the first, second, and third districts  
  • The First district is dedicated to upper class citizens and the city's main fish market, which also brings in several other stalls and shops for more exotic goods. Due to the College's nearby location, tradesmen often bring arcane trinkets and other magical entities that they find to Flutanis, in hopes to sell it off for a quick gold piece.
  • The Second district is dedicated to housing of the lower and middle-class workers. There are several shops here, but these are usually local owned businesses looking to provide services for lower income citizens.
  • The Third district is a slum of sorts and consist of the "old" city of Flutanis. It is mostly uneducated, low-income citizens of the town with a higher rate of Dark Elves, Swamp Elves, and Beast Folk.
  • Guilds and Factions

    • The Arcane College of Flutanis is a long standing organization within Flutanis. It holds great influence over the city. The city itself is often split over its feelings towards the College. Some believe it is crucial to Flutanis' operation and wellbeing, while others find it offensive or an annoyance. Nonetheless, the secrecy shrouded over the College does not help ease superstitious folk within the city. Nobody is permitted in, and there is no natural path up the plateau. Only those who are directly invited to attend may enter. 
    • The Alchemist's Hall is an organization of alchemists who have settled out of Flutanis, due to its close proximity of locations to find great ingredients for potions and other concoctions. These potions sometimes find themselves for sale within the market place, even if they weren't fully tested.
    • The Society of Bhyrinadaar is an organization exclusive to Elves. While humans are allowed on the premises, they are typically not allowed any further than the welcoming hall of the building. The SoB's primary goal is the protection of Elves within the Republic and other human nations, but often times they are accused of being spies for the Alemar. 


    Flutanis was first settled by fishermen in the 97th year of the 3rd Aeta. The location quickly grew, as Andai was beginning to experience severe overcrowding. With the news of a new site of a potential settlement with great fishing, farmland, and other natural resources, it began to draw some citizens towards the site, and the Senate itself would even exempt citizens who had moved from taxes for a year as an incentive to help fix the overcrowding in Andai.   Despite these efforts, the draw to Flutanis was not as high as it needed to be. The site was still just a small village, barely breaking a hundred inhabitants. It was not until the College appeared did a boom in population occur. News quickly spread of an Arcane College that seemed to appear out of nowhere, fully established and completely operational. This caused a surge of people to flock towards the city, many hoping to gain entry into the college. Unfortunately, all those who arrived were barred entrance. Many of those who could not gain entry simply stayed in the area and settled down.
    Founding Date
    97 3AE
    Owning Organization


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