High Elf

The High Elves, or the Kalali, are the genetic offspring of the Alemar. While considered to be more pure than other variation of Elves, the Kalali are nonetheless regarded as inferior to the Alemar. The High Elves pride themselves on their higher status, seeing themselves as the only other true Elves who kept their sworn oath to stay within the Divine Valley. High Elves are typically more outwardly arrogate to other Elves, and many others see them as conceited and outright annoying. Despite this, the High Elves are still very capable magic users and fine swordsmen. Just like the Alemar, they possess a much better understanding of arcane arts than most other elves and humans, and in line with the Alemar, they still make great fighters in melee combat. The High Elves value culture, bloodlines, and personal accomplishment. High Elves constantly seek to outdo one another, always trying to one up friends and foes alike.

Physical Traits

All High Elves have blonde hair, along with richly blue eyes. They typically stand anywhere from 5'10-6'4. They have well defined facial features such as defined jawlines and cheekbones.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Like the Alemar, High Elves typically have one name. These names do not have as complex of meaning as their Alemar counterparts do, but the names are derived from Old Elvish and typically still do have a specific meaning to each of them.    
Example Name
Ailainn Ainehew Anamh Anin Apenamcha Caolos Ceanos Coloki Deameal Dinotah Eirnainn Eirnonn Eirnonn Finios Hahnaska Hahniarn Hahniye Honead Honosan Kelasan Kelileas Lansainin Maodhemin Saemando Saemoda Taimiarn Tasionan

High Elf Stats

Age High Elves, like all elves, do not die from old age. They can only be killed, or they may choose to die once they feel their life is accomplished.   Alignment While Elves in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, High Elves tend to follow lawful or neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All Elves are medium sized.   Speed High Elves base speed is 30 feet.   Languages High Elves speak Old Elvish. They may speak one other types of Elvish and one learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase High Elves Elves gain a +1 to Wisdom and Intelligence   On the Shoulders of Giants: High Elves usually stay in close proximity of Alemar Elves, trying to stay "true" to the ancient promise of the Divine Valley. Because of this, many High Elves have picked up incredibly useful traits. High Elves may boost one stat by +1, have a proficiency in any additional skill or item of their choosing, and may choose a feat.
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