Necessi Tribe

"I'd say that no other group of people that best us Astricans in anything, except for the Necessi, for there is nobody else who is as stubborn and prideful than them."   - Quintis Verullus, historian and author of "The Savages Outside"
  The Necessi are a human tribal group South East of Astrica's borders. It is thought that they derive from the same origins as the Leonii Tribe , but scholars have yet to confirm this. The Necessi are an extremely isolated and mostly hostile to outsiders. Their culture seems to be matriarchal, and their society is centered around hunting with some dabbling in fishing and farming.    There is much that is unknown of the Necessi. What is known is their ability to utilize effective stalking methods, making them great hunters and trackers. It also seems that every Necessi is an expert with the sling, a simple yet deadly weapon.  


  Not much is known of the history of the Necessi. In the year 83 AE of the 3rd Aeta, the 18th Legion was sent into Necessi territory, and in the open field, the Necessi were easily felled by the strength of the legion. Afterwards however, a brutal campaign of guerrilla warfare took place, where Necessi warriors caused great attrituion to Astrican forces, picking off patrols, leaders, and supplies, forcing an eventual retreat of the legion. Some legionnaires claim that during this time they killed not a single Necessi, and were slowly slaughtered by their tribal forces.


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