Session XI: The Return

General Summary

With the Villa restored, Andas Furius Cestus , Gustav , and Sextus are sent additional members to aid in their mission with the help of Senator Strabo. Early on the morning of (TBD Date), the first to arrive was Horus Khaled. Although his figure was intimidating to young Sextus, it was eventually revealed that he too was a follower of Marenos, just as Andas and Sextus. Sent by Senator Strabo, Horus was ready for whatever fight was next to come. After being introduced, Horus prayed for some time.   Roughly an hour later, a rider approached the villa, and once approached he identified himself as Jan Oyjan. This Iaradorian rider was a mercenary, working closely for Senator Strabo. Once he entered the villa, Andas negotiated a contract with Jan, and his service was sealed.   The party rested for the day, got to know each other a little better, and ate a group dinner inside of the villa. Early the next morning, the group stepped off. Andas had received a letter from Senator Strabo, encourging him to meet him in Flutanis inside of the Rusty Docks Tavern. Gustav had received a letter from the Explorer's Guild of Andai, hinting at the location of a rune if Gustav joined the Guild officially. The plan was to meet with Senator Strabo, and then head to Andai to find Gustav's Rune. Once those were complete, the party would head to the dry lands of the Dominion, seeking more information on the illusive Sermini God Raelacrox.   Once the party had arrived in Flutanis, a slave aunction had caught the eye of the group. A literate Astrican slave was purchased by the name of Titus Aluredes. The man had worked an impressive debt of 300 gold from gambling, and sold himself into slavery to work off what he had owed. Titus' was to work the books of the villa, taking a position to lead other slaves in clearing of lands, planting of corps, and other management duties. If he could achieve this, Andas would grant his freedom once his debt was cleared, and allow him to either stay or leave.   The party made their way to the Rusty Docks, and met Senator Strabo in the private, upstairs meeting room, under guard of his Legionary Escort. Senator Strabo updated the group on some state of affairs. He told them that the Volcanic eruption North had destroyed the Khurillan Nomads capital of Choeson. He stated that the Senate was dragging its feet with the Sermini menance. Lastly, he told Andas that he had some men searching for his missing family. After these points were discussed, Senator Strabo revealed the true meaning of his request to meet. He has reason to believe that someone within the legion was supplying the Sermini with Astrican equipment and food, as a cart full with supplies were found within a Sermini camp, and no record of them missing were located, meaning that they were scrubbed from the ledger books.   Senator Strabo asked for their help if he found anything of use, and the party agreed. Senator Strabo released the party, and after some small shopping had occurred, they set out to Andai.   On the road, the group was attacked by a group of bandits, led by two "Ashknights" -- Dark Elves in heavy armor. Strapped to one of the Knights was a bounty letter for Gustav, Andas, Izikiel , and Tiberius Aurelianus, 250 gold per head.  
  The party spent the night at Gallio Inn.   Before reaching Andai, the party had caught a strange clearing in the forest with distant stacks of smoke. Upon investigation, they discovered an Orc party led by a powerful Dharg. These orcs however were not the typical band of raiding orcs. They stood tall with Cataclysmic Era like armor, forged with black ore that seemed to absorb sunlight itself. After an intense battle, the Orcs were felled.  
  Finally, the party reached the grand city of Andai.
  Session End

Rewards Granted

  • Jan and Horus leveled up to level 4

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Met with Senator Strabo at his request.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Senator Strabo
  • Gallio (Owner of Gallio Inn)
  • Titus Aluredes (Slave)
Report Date
13 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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