

A lone wandering Beolshaer on a mission to find the "World Rune", a supposedly legendary artifact sought by his fallen brothers of Galuf's Hand. As foretold by his village seer, the mythical World Rune and the subsequent elemental runes are believed to be the ultimate boon for the future of all Beolshaer, enacting a golden age that will last for centuries. Soon after, Gustav and his father Galuf, as well as 18 other Beolshaer berserkers and druids would form an expedition team to search the lands of Shaeral for these artifacts. As the years passed, the members of Galuf's Hand would find four of the seven elemental runes with the World Rune still at-large; however, the secrets behind these artifacts remained a mystery to all.   Five years into their trek, the now 14 member team would soon meet a perilious fate, as they would become victims to a massive Sermini ambush while exploring the eastern lands of Igrora. Massively outnumbered, Galuf would call to Gustav to retreat with the artifacts so that they would not fall to Sermini hands; after much resistance, Gustav and two of his comrades would flee while the remaining members of Galuf's Hand held back the Sermini. A year following the incident, his remaining comrades would befall ill and perish, leaving Gustav alone to continue the mission. Over the following months, Gustav would grow increasingly curious over the purpose of these artifacts, continually investigating and learning what lay behind the inscriptions on these mysterious stones. He would eventually become successful in his efforts as he tapped into the supernatural energies and even memories that were inscribed upon these artifacts. With his new found abilities and knowledge, Gustav would set forth and continue his journey to find the remaining runestones.

A lone wandering Beolshaer on a mission to find the "World Rune", a supposedly legendary artifact sought by his fallen brothers of Galuf's Hand.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
386, 3rd Aeta
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Normal: 6'2" / GM: 10'2" / RJ: 15'2"
215 lbs


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