Session I - From the Grips of Death

General Summary

The group found themselves awakening, captured by the Sermini. Each captured at different places, they were all gathered for the same purpose, to be sacrificed for some blood ritual. As the Sermini began to cut off the heads of the captives and drain them of blood, the 1st Cohort of the 11th Legion arrived just in time. Led by their Centurion, ballistae bolts were fired into the encampment as the century rammed down the front gates, flooding into the camp in a testudo formation to protect themselves from incoming fire. They systematically cut their way to the captives while the group fought, killing several Sermini themselves. The century finally reached them and began to free the rest of the captives.   Just as the group found themselves finally free, a horrific site began to unfold. One of the Sermini, drinking some of the blood of the sacrificed, began to twist and mutate into some sort of horrific demonic beast. Three times the size of a man, these monsters began to rip through the ranks of the legions, swatting away whole ranks like flies. By the Centurion order, he commanded the escapees to flee through the sewer, as he would not have wounded or unarmed men take part in his testudo to fight their way out. While the Centurion prepared his men, Gustav grabbed the still unconscious High Elf, and the group and three wounded legionaries jumped into the sewer below.   Once landed in the ancient sewer, it was realized that it was being used as a dumping ground for the Sermini, dumping many a bodies that were likely also sacrificed into the pit. The wretched stench was vomit inducing, but a greater evil laid ahead. The sewers was a natural feeding ground for ghouls and ghast, who have made their home there for an easy source of food. With no light, the players fought in near darkness, one of the legionaries was dragged away into the shadows, while another was pounced upon while he tried to flee. A ghast eventually joined the fight, filling the sewers with his potent stench once pierced by Andas. Eventually, the ghouls were defeated, leaving the group and one legionary left.   Finally, the group had made it out of the sewers, finding themselves out in the open world. Taking a breath of relief, the group finally introduced themselves.   Andas, of Gens Furii, Tiberius, a concerned citizen, Gustav, Beolshaer collector Izikiel, who finally awoke after being unconscious during that entire experience. And Aulus, legionary of the 1st Cohort, 11th Legion. (NPC)   The group decided to make camp for the night as the sun was falling.   The next morning, they set out to find their way back to the Republic, with the goal of reaching Fort Acrae. Still missing all of their equipment, this would become a priority for them.   Lost on the road, the group would eventually stumble upon two Leonii Giants arguing in the woods. They had seemed to lose an important sheep to them. They agreed that they would guide the group if they brought back Muxor, their sheep. After a little bit of clever magic use, the group was able to locate the sheep and bring it back. The Giants brought the group to the edge of Leonii territory, and pointed them towards the Republic.   As the sun began to waiver, the group stumbled into Spurius' Inn. Spurius was a gracious host, and fed and clothed the group, in return for a small amount of manual labor.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped the Sermini Camp
  • Escaped the Sewers
  • Found Muxor
  • Returned back within the Republic's Border

Character(s) interacted with

  • Centurion Gallio Patricius, Centurion of the 1st Cohort, 11th Legion
  • Aulus, Legionary of the 1st Cohort, 11th Legion
  • Vaslag, Leonii Giant
  • Wrilag, Leonii Giant
  • Spurius, Inn Owner
Execution of a captured 11th Legion legionary by the hands of the Sermini.
Report Date
29 Apr 2022


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