Session XII: The Travels to Tomari

General Summary

The session begins with a meeting at the Explorer's Guild, where Gustav ‌ was called by letter to discuss the location of a rune. The meeting had concluded with the following terms:
The party will be told the location of the rune. The party will bring two explorers (Franz and Eugene) to conduct research on the temple ruins as well as discover their own artifacts The party will be paid 30 gold per day for the travel. The party will be given a ship to help expedite travel Gustav joins the Explorer's Guild formally.   Shortly after the meeting was concluded, a letter made its way to the party. It stated that they urgently needed to meet with the party, and that it would be in their best interest to arrive soon. The letter was signed by nobody, and only stated the location of where to find them: The Coastal Tavern in Verona, after sundown. The next morning, the party made it's way aboard the SS Windcaller and began to travel along the coast. It made a short stop in Verona to meet with the sender of the mysterious letter. Waiting at the tavern was Selsek Keiran Vossen, a vampire, and a brother to Zoltan Auraley Vossen, the vampire that inhabited the villa before he was killed by the party and thus casted out from the villa. Selsek stated that he had no real desire for revenge, but instead was interested in whatever "source of power" drew his brother to the villa in the first place. Selsek was interested in an negotiation, stating that in exchange for the item of power that was hidden within the villa, he would convince the rest of his family at the party was dead, and end their manhunt for them. There was no deal reached however, and Selsek left the tavern peacefully, stating that he would hopefully return with a more enticing deal, or that he would potentially just raid the villa himself. Shortly after Selsek leaves, the party continues at sea towards Tomari.   Once arrived to Tomari, the group found a city in a state of disarray. According to the guards, Sermini warriors had raided the mine and taken several hostage, including a nobleman. The Centurion stationed in Tomari had gathered what forces he could, but was given an order by the Legate to stand down until his arrival. This changed when the group arrived, and realizing he had very competent warriors at his disposal, he sent the party in with a small detachment of legionaries for help.   Upon entering the mine, the group would be faced with a so called "Sermini Nobleman" well armored and well versed, the Sermini stated that there would be a chance for a peaceful negiotation, but this would end with the Sermini making off with a nobleman, and these terms were unacceptable. A large fight broke out, and during the chaos, demonic entities joined the fight, several Imps and a Spined Devil fought on the side of the Sermini. The group fought its way through the chasm, cutting down Sermini in their way until they reached a long bridge where the hostages were held. It was here that the last remaining Sermini nobleman demanded that they drop their weapons and be let loose, or else they'd simply kill all the hostages. Quickly, the party had made a plan of deception. Andas offered himself as an exchange for all of the hostages and the lesser nobleman. The Sermini agreed to this deal. Andas gave his weapons to Gustav and began to cross the bridge unarmed. As he made it halfway, the prisoners were released and Andas was almost in custody of the Sermini. Right before they could secure him, a holy form took over his physical form, as he channeled all divinity into a mighty Conquering Presence, of which the Sermini were so terrified that they attempted to flee at the very sight. Gustav and Horus rushed across the bridge and began to cut down the lesser Sermini, as the nobleman was captured by Andas.   A long conversation/interrogation ensued. In essence, the nobleman shed more light onto the plans of the Sermini. They were attempting to weaken all nation-states for the return of Raelacrox. He stated that their champion was already among them, and moved to further the goals of their greater Lord. At the end of this, the Sermini was killed.   The group returned outside and received a celebratory welcome from the town folks. Eventually, they also met with the Legate who had commanded the legionnaries in the area. While somewhat upset that his orders were disregarded, he could not be upset with the results. Andas informed the Legate of what had occured, and what news they discovered.

Rewards Granted

  • 350 gold from the Centurion of Tomari

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Gustav joined the Explorer's Guild
  • The party met with Selsek Keiran Vossen in Verona
  • The party saved most of the hostages who were taken by the Sermini in Tomari.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gaius Spurius Horatius, Legate of the 4th Legion stationed in Fort Maius.
  • Patrician Megallus (Ben help me with the full name I forgot to write it down)
  • Selsek Keiran Vossen


  • Changed rest rules to the following: Long rest are 2 days in the field, 1 day in a town/tavern. Short rest take 8 hours to complete. This seemed to work a lot better in terms of balance.
  • Upgraded Tommy straight to level 6.
Report Date
27 Feb 2023


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