Swamp Elves

Swamp Elves, or the Nuvian/Nuvish, are a genetic offspring of the Alemar. Swamp Elves are considered the second lowest tier of Elves, only higher than the Dark Elves. The Swamp Elves live deep within the swamps of Nanalu, just off the the coast of the Central Bay in Shaeral. The Swamp Elves are generally considered to be lesser to the other elves for cultural reasons. Swamp Elves have taken heavily after humans living in nearby regions, abandoning many Elven traditions and ideals. Swamp Elves prefer stealth, ambushing, and trapping enemies, rather than fighting in an open fight. They will often employ meticulous traps for enemies to step into. 

Physical Traits

Swamp Elves are usually of a grayer tone of skin, which can be range anywhere from a light ash to a deep gray. They have dark hair and dark brown eyes. They stand anywhere from 5'6-5'10. 

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Swamp Elves do not have any notable naming conventions. Their names range from human in nature to Elven in nature, and seems to depend on the preference of the parents.

Swamp Elf Stats

Age Swamp Elves, like all elves, do not die from old age. They can only be killed, or they may choose to die once they feel their life is accomplished.   Alignment While Elves in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Swamp Elves tend to follow neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All Elves are medium sized.   Speed Swamp Elves base speed is 30 feet.   Languages Swamp Elves speak Nuvian. They may speak one other types of Elvish and one learn another language of their choice that is human or elf based. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Wood Elves gain a +2 to Agility.   Trappers: Swamp Elves have a natural affinity for trapping and ambushing. Automatically, Swamp Elves receive expertise in stealth.. In addition, sneak attacks do an additional 1d8 damage. This applies to traps set as well.
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