
"No matter the time of day, Tomari's Grand Dwarven Forge remains hot, ready to shape yet another weapon of war."   - Excerpt from a Kaelus' Travel Guide to the Republic.
  Tomari is a major city within the Astrican Republic. It is the capital of the province of Anta-Palus. South-West coast of the Republic, and sits directly on it's border. Tomari originally was a site of a Dwarven settlement until its ruins were occupied by Astricans. Discovering the remains of a deteriorating, yet still hot forge, repairs commenced immediately. Upon it's repair, a magnificent forge was restored, able to produce strong and powerful weapons with little resources.   Unfortunately as of the recent few years, Tomari and its region has been plagued with increasing levels of crime. These crimes range from petty theft to murder. Its unsure what is causing the rise in crime, but steps have been taken in an attempt to reduce it. All so far have failed.


Tomari serves as a regional capital, and a governor oversees the city itself and surrounding, smaller villages.

Industry & Trade

Tomari's largest industry is its metal and mining works. They have several high yield mines that output several tons of ore a week. Thanks to the Dwarven Forge, these raw materials are able to be quickly converted into workable metals for weapons, armor, and other items.

Guilds and Factions

Tomari is home to several guilds and factions.   The Ring -  A band of mercenaries who operate out of Tomari. The Ring specialize in high risk, high reward operations. Within their ranks are soldiers, archers, assassins, cavalry men, and more. The Ring employ all types of fighters into its ranks to complete it's diverse mission. Ring members can be identified by the many rings they wear on their hands, with the two index finger rings always being a metallic red.    The Engineer's Guild - There is perhaps no better place to work out of than Tomari. It's rich, natural resources allow engineers to experiment with different types of materials and always have quick and ready access to necessary goods. The Engineer's Guild of Tomari prides itself on engineering feats from architecture to the war industry. Many of its member's are accomplished inventors and famous tinkerers.


When Tomari was discovered by a small group of adventurers, it was nothing more than Dwarven ruins, infested with spiders and other malicious creatures. At first, those adventurers considered it nothing out of the ordinary. That was until one of them came upon a yet still burning Dwarven forge, incredible hot and unstable from countless years of decay. Immediately, this information was brought back to the Republic. The Senate spent a fortunate to send its finest engineers to the forge and restore it, and almost a year later, their efforts were rewarded. The now stable and usable Dwarven Forge served as an unprecedented technology. It's forge is capable of producing forty times that of an average blacksmith's forge. The engineers who restored the forge decided to stay within Tomari and form a guild, in case the forge ever needed repairs. In addition to this, settlers had already begun to make their way to Tomari, and it was discovered that there sat large veins of precious metals just outside the town. It quickly expanded as a rush of settlers had moved in, hoping to snag a piece of the riches awaiting to be extracted.    Now, Tomari serves as one of the largest cities in the Republic, and is crucial to its economy.


Tomari sits in a semi-marshland area, right at the mouth of a full swamp. While it does have access to water and is on the coast, the waters itself are surrounded by jagged, coastal rocks, making docks nearly impossible to construct. Tomari thus relies on Osca for its nearest port.
Founding Date
268 3AE
Alternative Name(s)
The Forge City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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