Wood Elf

Wood Elves, or the Ruven/Ruvians, are a genetic offspring of the Alemar. Wood Elves are considered lower then the High Elves, but higher then the Swamp Elves and Dark Elves. Wood Elves are actually considered equal to High Elves in the view of the Alemar, but no High Elf would ever accept that notion. Wood Elves are isolationist, both culturally and individually. Living deep within the woods of the Vesporia, they like to keep to themselves. The Wood Elves care only for matters that directly affect them or their homes. Wood Elves have a natural affinity for nature, often times being able to communicate and ally with animals and seemingly the forces of nature itself. They are renown acrobatics and nimble fighters.

Physical Traits

Wood Elves stand anywhere from 5'9-6'2. Typically, they have blonde or brown hair, with brown, earth like eyes. They have sharper, narrower features than the High Elves and Alemar, such as thinner eyes, cheekbones, and noses. Unlike other Elves, Wood Elves have much longer ears, that point more outwards.

Character Creation

Naming Conventions

Wood Elf names are derived from their language, Ruvian, which is a slightly modified version of Old Elvish. Wood Elf names, like Alemar and High Elves, typically have meaning behind the names, and each name is drawn from something within the Vesporia forest, such as maybe specific locations, trees, bodies of water, etc.
Example Name
Algalgu Burton Clark Coru Dascacro Dhiolcos Elvis Erwin Felix Fergus Gillos Gordon Harvey Herman Ircaloc Isadore Joel Kiarlat Lawrence Lee Leigh Lucas Nathaniel Richard Scarat Scitholca Scudu Sherris Sorisus Tholia Thomas Thostulvon Tratha Troccidith Trullidros Vilcolvi Vothath Will T Zalicot Zocola Zusrin

Wood Elf Stats

Age Wood Elves, like all elves, do not die from old age. They can only be killed, or they may choose to die once they feel their life is accomplished.   Alignment While Elves in general do not have a standard alignment, and can typically fall anywhere on the scale, Wood Elves tend to follow neutral paths. This is not required.   Size All Elves are medium sized.   Speed Wood Elves base speed is 40 feet.   Languages Wood Elves speak Ruvian. They may speak one other types of Elvish and one learn another language of their choice. (See DM for a list of languages)   Ability Score Increase Wood Elves gain a +2 to Dexterity.   One With Nature: Wood Elves have a natural connection to nature, and the forces within it. Wood Elves have the ability to speak with animals and may sometimes even be able to speak with the trees.
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