Angstrom Research Facility Building / Landmark in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Angstrom Research Facility

Located on Dran’Ankos Prime, the base is located on both sides of the tidally locked planet. The majority of the structure is on the “night-side,” including housing, recreation, and operations areas (including the shuttlebay). The “day-side” contains the research labs. Two surface tubes, just under 5km long, connect the two halves by a tram system.

Purpose / Function

Research into the deuterium potential in low mass brown dwarf, such as Dran’Ankos. 
  • Phase 1: Limited photosphere agitation and gas sampling. 
  • Phase 2: Inversion testing for coronal mass capture and refinement. 
  • Phase 3: CLASSIFIED

Contents & Furnishings

Residential Equipment Phasers Assorted Science Equipment


Type 2 Solar Shields. 2 Shuttles (non warp) (No designed for defence or attack)


Working holidays for researchers and science
Total compliment: 64 (55 researchers, 9 support staff).
Base Commander: V’Tok
Accommodations: for up to 75


  • Angstrom Research Facility (1st Floor)
  • Angstrom Research Facility (2nd Floor)
  • Angstrom Research Facility (3rd Floor)
  • Abandoned Science Labs Light side
Alternative Names
Angstrom, Angstrom Base.
Parent Location
Compartment of Vehicle
Owning Organization


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