Season 4 Session 12 25/08/2023: Heist and Return to present Report in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Season 4 Session 12 25/08/2023: Heist and Return to present

General Summary

After managing to break into the secruity office of the The Museums of Flight and Engineering where they went to help Genma Dayo and a unnamed Bajoran civilian (controlled by Abel) rescue the Yona Dumys who knocked out the guard who was reaching for a "Help" button or weapon.
Captain Drake managed to cause a distriction by radioing in to say there was a attack on another museum in the complex that is The Great Museum of Ashalla. They let Yona out and her husband Genma Dayo went on to take stuff from the The Museums of Flight and Engineering. Captain Drake and one of the local Bajorans managed to get a claim out of a ship in the museum.
In the morning Cornelius Jemison manages to get the Polynodal Tachyon Conversion Generator Coil from Igara Kengo. He managed to keep on top of the spesifications of the part.
The crew get back to the USS Pueblo and all get some rest and a goodnight sleep. they then fitted the part with the assistances of Cornelius Jemison. As for getting back to there own time Lt. Jemison suggested that they (Samson Drake) use the Orb Knowledge and Research to get back to there own time.   After the Samson Drake had a orb experience and talked to The Prophets who he persuaded them to let him back to 2373.   The Prophets sent them back to two minutes after they entered the wormhole. This caught DS9:by surprise who didn't expect them to be appear from behind one of there moons.   There was minor changes in the time. * A Vedek and 2 people appear in the stories of Yona Dumys
* as well as painting that involved what Perren Muroc and Samson Drake looked like as Bajorans. * Last the Yona Dumys Museum became more orientated around Transportion instead of art.
closing scen with Samson Drake putting his toy he bought on the planet next to his family portraits  

Missions/Quests Completed

They got there part and fixed and got back to DS9 with minimal changes.

Character(s) interacted with

The Great Museum Heist and Return to DS9
Report Date
25 Aug 2023
Secondary Location


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