Cornelius Jemison Character in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Cornelius Jemison

Lt. Cornelius Jemison

Cornelius is the current flight controller of USS Pueblo. Has a great knowledge and interest on ship construction and design, so expends time on engineering when he can either on duty or off duty. He is skilled in Mok'bara, you may have heard him swearing in klingon.

Life Journal

Cornelius, son of Rianna and Anthony Jemison, was born on Tri-Rho Nautica shipyards, orbiting Tri-Rho Nautica III in a system that was close to the Klingon border. Since he was a child, he developed an iron deficiency that could not be mitigated by artificial supplements. The doctor recommended to eat raw meats, the bloodiest the better. Rianna asked for the help of S’habat son of K'mpat a local Klingon butcher that supplied fresh meat and some live animals on the Shipyards promenade. S’habat provided the meat and recipes, but Rianna didn’t know how she will convince a child to eat that. Sitting on the shop there was also D'runom daughter of S’habat, she was a skilled artist and was drawing a comic book about the life of Kahless the Unforgettable. Rianna complimented the artistic prowess of the girl, and D'runom handed her the first book. Cornelius devoured the comic book of a hero with such an amazing life and wanting to emulate him he had no problem eating Klingon cuisine. Cornelius became friends with D'runom and she supplied the boy with more comics. The boy showed great interest on them and the rest of the Klingon culture. He started practicing Mok'bara with the girl on K'Ehleyr daughter of Rynar dojo. D'runom also teach the boy Klingon and lend all the books he asked for. Cornelius spent most of his time off school watching his mother designs and trying to understand what she explained him, helping his father to tinker with his projects, or playing with D'runom and the rest of the shipyard school friends. At the first chance he got, he enrolled on Starfleet. He had a hard time to adapt living on earth but there he made a good friend, a Trill named Bevezi Dots. She really like the outdoor and helped Cornelius conquer the fear of opened spaces, being always on a starship or space station he was not used to not have walls all around protecting him. When he graduated, he had some time before his assignment and went back home to Tri-Rho Nautica shipyards. He couldn’t wait to tell D'runom all about his experience. He had made songs of climbing her first mountain with Dots or breaking the manoeuvrability record of the Danube class runabout. But a little while after he started singing his merits, she looked really mad and started throwing things at him. She almost hit him in the head with the tome of Kolo’s memoirs and that guy was a heavy writer. He was so nervous that kept singing hoping to calm her down or waiting until there was no more thing to throw at him. But she closed the distance between them and started tearing his uniform. He became D'runom first conquest, and both really loved it. He enjoyed this new relationship with his friend, and she invite him to know her distant family on QuI' Tu (Signi Beta on Federation starcharts). During his stay there he learned that a big size meteor will be impacting the planet in less than 2 days. There was no time a ship big enough will arrive in time, and there was not a weapon array to deal with the huge rock. Most of non-Klingon had already left the planet, but fleeing was not the Klingon way and Cornelius remember an abandon mining rig he saw on their visit next to D'runom’s uncle D'kar state. He knew those rigs where space worthy because were too massive to be loaded on any ship, and the drilling beam was powerful enough to split the rock, so they will be able to minimize the damage to QuI' Tu. With the help of D'kar family and friends he was able to repair the propulsion system, there was no life support, and half the bulkheads were missing, but there was no time to make it pretty. He will be piloting the ship wearing an EV suit the whole time with half of the ship vented to space. D'runom insisted on coming with him, he didn’t want to endanger his girlfriend, but knew her enough not to discuss and she seated manning the drill controls while he was piloting that enormous death trap. Plan went shit pretty quickly, he wanted to split the rock at the centre and then make split again the chunk that path still was on path to QuI' Tu. But the drill was not designed to operate for so long at that energy level and was constantly overheating, and D'runom cursing at the drill didn’t cool it either. They managed to crack a big crack on the middle of the rock, but there is no way they will execute the plan in time. They didn’t fix the antimatter reactor, but they didn’t need warp speed, only to start the mix so it was powered up and crash the ship exploding the reactor on the rock. They managed to start the reactor and he plot a course, so the ship impacted the crack in the middle. They were leaving the bridge and D'runom was ahead almost in the corridor leading to the scape pots when Cornelius felt a powerful pop, one of the internal bulkheads had a pocket of atmosphere and the pressure gave up and send a panel towards him, knocking him headed to the space, he tried to grab her girlfriend to avoid being sent out of the ship. If she realized the hazard perhaps, she reached a hand to grab him, but she jumped to the corridor. Cornelius was sent out of the ship to die in the cold space, but at least he will have front row seats to a big antimatter explosion. But some force knocks him over waist almost breaking his back, and stopped him, it was the lifeline. D'runom insisted on linking the lifelines on take-off, he though it was romantic, but save his live. He saw her girlfriend pulling his lifeline in to the ship and they were able to reach the scape pods. He missed the big explosion but when the pod landed still was able the debris of the rock burning into the atmosphere like the most astonishing fireworks, he did it, he saved the colony. On that day he gained the title Friend to the Klingons, and is known as Tera'ngan (courageous human) on QuI' Tu. During his first assignment he had to shuttle the weapons officer Vigo back to the USS Stargazer. He always like to have the sensor array available in his console at the press of a button and while he was piloting be able to look around. He noticed something strange in the sensors, like a gap, Vigo ordered him to take a closer look. He saw a Romulan scout decloaking, he saw in sensors that the communications were jammed, the Romulans will blow them out of the sky to not revel what shenanigans they were doing on Federation space. They were one or perhaps 2 photon torpedo hits from Sto'Vo'Kor. He knew the shuttle was about to be in range of the scout weapons and remember the Picard manoeuvre, he already had the sensor array open to determine the precise position of the scout and Vigo had the tactical console opened to raise shields, but even they had small warp capability nobody attempted this manoeuvre ever with a shuttle. He asked Vigo to not raise shields and put full power to weapons, the weapons officer didn’t believe what he was hearing but nodded, shields will do very little against the Romulan disruptors, only will delay the inevitable. Cornelius precisely calculated the scout position and jumped to warp for a fraction of a second, to finish just inside the scout shield bubble. He took a moment as the torpedo volley impacted the mirage off the shuttle behind them, but Vigo was busy laying waste on the Romulan ship with their weapons. He knocked first his main power relay and then the reactor regulators. They couldn’t power their weapons and they had a few seconds to shutdown the reactor before going critical. Cornelius put a safe distance while Vigo opened communications to inform them of their options, they chose death. We will never know what they were doing on Federation space.


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