Closest Distance to Bond Major = 3.76256 x109 km 2.51508 AU
Apparent Brightness = 359.772 Watts (0.364411* sun)
Apparent Size = 0.004647 Radians
Farthest distance to Bond Major = 3.93011 x109 km 3.08492 AU
Apparent Brightness = 80.3142 Watts (0.264271 * sun)
Apparent Size = 0.000176 Radians
Closest distance to Bond Minor = 2.51508 AU
Apparent Brightness = 3.5977 x1011 Watts (0.054075 * sun)
Apparent Size =
Farthest distance to Bond Minor = 3.08492 AU
Apparent Brightness =80.3142 Watts (0.039215 * sun)
Apparent Size =
Seasonal Information
Tilt | 20 degrees |
Spring | |
Summer | |
Fall | |
Winter |
Apparent Brightness = 359.772 Watts (0.364411* sun)
Apparent Size = 0.004647 Radians
Farthest distance to Bond Major = 3.93011 x109 km 3.08492 AU
Apparent Brightness = 80.3142 Watts (0.264271 * sun)
Apparent Size = 0.000176 Radians
Closest distance to Bond Minor = 2.51508 AU
Apparent Brightness = 3.5977 x1011 Watts (0.054075 * sun)
Apparent Size =
Farthest distance to Bond Minor = 3.08492 AU
Apparent Brightness =80.3142 Watts (0.039215 * sun)
Apparent Size =
The "top" artic and tropic are south, and visa versa because the planet's tilt is enough that it spins backwards compared to earth
Orbital Information
Orbit Information
Eccentricity | 0.02 |
Semi-Major Axis | 2.8 AU |
Semiminor Axis | |
Periapsis | 2.744 AU |
Apoapsis | 2.856 AU |
Orbital Period (Year) | 1.16024 Earth Years 423.777 Earth Days |
Velocity | 24.8052 km/s (0.8619 & Earth) |
Inclination | 0 |
Longitude of Descending Node | |
Argument of Pariapsis |
Physical Trairs
Mass | 2.04255 x1025 (3.42 * Earth) |
Radius | 9375.81 km (1.47 * Earth) |
Surface Area | 1.10466 x109 sq km (1.47 (?) * Earth) |
Density | 5.93664 g/cm3 (1.07665 * Earth) |
Surface Gravity | 15.5213 m/s2 (1.58267 * Earth) |
Location under
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