Protection charm

Even though there supposedly have been no instances of these things failing, I'm still terrified that one day it just won't work, and the last thing I'll see is one of those eyeless grins and a sharp blade.
— Tuner Mirbeth confiding in a friend
  Tuners are those who are responsible for the upkeep and tuning of the dream amplifiers, devices which extend the Dreamer's influence over the City keeping it free from corruption. In order to carry out their role Tuners need to enter the inner chambers of the Citadel, where the Dreamer sleeps, though not into the Dreamer's Chamber itself. These inner chambers are protected by The Everwatch, deadly skeletal guardians, sworn to protect the Dreamer.   Each Tuner carries with them a protective charm which allows them safe access into the inner chambers. The charms serve a twofold purpose: to allow them to pass safely beyond the Wards, and to identify themselves as Tuners to the Everwatch., so they won't be killed. As with many of the rituals passed down amongst the Keepers, how to make the charms has been perfectly preserved, exactly how they work and how the Everwatch recognise them is a mystery.   Each charm is unique to the Tuner as it needs to be a small personal item that can be worn. Apprentice Tuners are encouraged to select items that already have some personal meaning to them as this makes the pairing process easier, though it is not essential. As soon as they are selected to begin their training, Apprentice Tuners must carry their item with them everyday, never letting it out of their possession even during bathing or sleeping and every morning and night they infuse the item .   After they have been proclaimed ready to enter the inner chambers by their Teachers, they each undergo the pairing ritual. The ritual bonds the item with its owner and infuses it with the necessary magics to overcome the inner chambers defences. Any one attempting to enter the inner chambers without one of these charms will be identified instantly by the Everwatch and promptly slain on the spot. The charms also allow the Tuners past the Wards surrounding each Amplifier, without one it is simply impossible to touch them.


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