Hjapic: Hrúl /r̥uːl/
Hrúlas1 are medium-sized, carnivorous Land Crocodiles native to a wide range of environments across the western, eastern and southeastern parts of the continent of Örkraz, including tropical rainforests, savannas and karsts, but are notably absent from the Gjóm Highlands. This adaptability is in part due to being one of the most intelligent of all land crocodiles and a knack for hunting in groups, allowing the animals to chase and take down prey that would otherwise be too dangerous to tackle.
The animals have excellent vision owing to their unusually large eyes, and thus are often most active during nighttime or at twilight. They communicate through a variety of sounds, including low-frequency noises when stalking prey.
The belief that hrúlas eat souls is due to the souls of those eaten by the creatures may refuse to any contact by the living due to the taboo associated with it.
Because of this, along with their highly aggressive nature, the animals have been virtually extirpated from the karst region of southeastern Örkraz due to the proximity to the sacred Brökúrró Ú Caves to prevent the site from being defiled.
Hrúlas1 are medium-sized, carnivorous Land Crocodiles native to a wide range of environments across the western, eastern and southeastern parts of the continent of Örkraz, including tropical rainforests, savannas and karsts, but are notably absent from the Gjóm Highlands. This adaptability is in part due to being one of the most intelligent of all land crocodiles and a knack for hunting in groups, allowing the animals to chase and take down prey that would otherwise be too dangerous to tackle.
The animals have excellent vision owing to their unusually large eyes, and thus are often most active during nighttime or at twilight. They communicate through a variety of sounds, including low-frequency noises when stalking prey.
Cultural Significance
In stark contrast with the far larger Crested Land Crocodiles, which the local Orcs venerate as rulers of the animals, hrúlas are feared as loathsome creatures believed to either consume the Souls of those they kill or otherwise rendering those harmed or even merely touched by them as ritually impure. The bodies of those slain by hrúlas receive no funeral rites, and special ceremonies must be performed in order to cleanse the soul before the person's relatives are allowed to summon it later on.The belief that hrúlas eat souls is due to the souls of those eaten by the creatures may refuse to any contact by the living due to the taboo associated with it.
Because of this, along with their highly aggressive nature, the animals have been virtually extirpated from the karst region of southeastern Örkraz due to the proximity to the sacred Brökúrró Ú Caves to prevent the site from being defiled.
Additional Information
Average Intelligence
About as smart as the Cuban crocodile.
1Original icelandic: hrúlur, singular: hrúla.
12 years
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Hrúlas range from dark green to pale brown to light grey depending on whether they inhabit woodlands, savanna or karst, respectively