Day of Kaminaq Tradition / Ritual in Boricubos | World Anvil
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Day of Kaminaq


The first time this holiday was celebrated was the day of Maketaoris promotion to a diety as The Coquíans celebrated the life he had and he new life he wouldhave as an immortal spirit. They his Zemi down the river of Nunxajan as they sung to his honor.


The most prominent and communily worshiped by all worshippers of Maketaori is the Day of Kaminaq. In honor of not only Maketaori but most importantly of the spirits of the dead, the entire day is spent in rejoycing in life and remembering those that are no longer with us. The participants play games, sing, eat, share stories and throw bright pigments on each other. Everyone dress in colorful clothes, large and beautiful acessories from nature and paint their faces or wear masks and it's not uncommon to wear carved an decorative bones of dead tribe members. The day ends as the sun sets by either a larger body of water with currents or rivers where everyone sings a song to the dead as they send off flowers with the current, representing life passing.


Anyone worshipping Maketaori participates but it's most commonly celebrated by the The Coquíans.


The holiday is celebrated on the 25th day (4th K'iine' Maketaori) of Xetr'e.
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Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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