Guabanca Character in Boricubos | World Anvil
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Guabanca is the goddess of tropical storms, rain, and is the patron deity of the hurákani who she helped create along with Ataba . Though in the years before Guacando's death, she was very distant with her creations, once the war began, she quickly joined Ataba’s cause in order to protect her chosen people, making theologians believe that she cares for them a lot more than she initially let on. She uses storms, both in this war and in previous wars against invaders, in order to protect the people of Boricubos from danger, wiping out invading ships to protect the archipelago’s interests.

Divine Domains

  • Divine Ability: Dexterity or Wisdom
  • Divine Font: Harm or Heal
  • Divine Skill: Acrobatics
  • Favored Weapon: Blowgun
  • Domains: Air, Destruction, Lightning, Water
  • Cleric Spells: 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: lightning bolt, 4th: fly
  • Avatar Spell: Speed 30 feet, fly Speed 70 feet; Ranged blowgun (Agile, Nonlethal, Range 60 feet), Damage 6d6+3 piercing; Ranged wind (versatile electricity, range 120 feet), Damage 6d6+3 bludgeoning.

Tenets of Faith

  • Edicts: Pursue external beauty.
  • Anathema: Prolong unnecessary conflicts.
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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