Lukiyo Geographic Location in Boricubos | World Anvil
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This island is unlike any of the others in Boricubos, with small bits of jungle mixed with a heavily mountainous terrain. The island is the main home of the iguacas who live on the island and the main encampment of the various mercenary groups such as Freedom’s Flight.

Besides the location of the iguaca mercenary camps is the existence of Boina’s Breath, the active volcano that dominates the center of Lukiyo. It is because of the goddess Boina and this volcano that there are the rest of the islands to begin with, with the goddess having let it erupt on several locations throughout history, always making sure to protect the people of Boricubos with advanced warning in the form of visions and prophecies so that no one would be hurt through her actions. Within Boina’s Breath are a collection of salamanders and fire elementals which constantly make trouble for the people of Lukiyo.

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Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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