Maroyal Character in Boricubos | World Anvil
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Mayoral is the goddess of both the moon and tsunamis. She has been a source of constant agony for The People of Boricubos with her natural disasters, but always makes sure that whenever a tsunami hits the archipelago, there are few if any deaths. She is a goddess who believes in strength above all else, and frequently tells her followers that she only beats them down so that they could rise back even stronger than before. She has been strangely neutral in the war in the heavens, despite her connection to the ocean and rumored romance with Guacando.

Divine Domains

  • Divine Ability: Charisma or Strenght
  • Divine Font: Harm or Heal
  • Divine Skill: Nature
  • Favored Weapon: Longbow
  • Domains: Darkness, Might, Moon, Water
  • Cleric Spells: 1st: ant haul, 3rd: crashing wave, 4th: mariner’s curse
  • Avatar Spell: Speed 40 feet, swim Speed 70 feet, ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain in the water; Ranged longbow (deadly d8, range increment 150 feet), Damage: 66d8+3 piercing.

Tenets of Faith

  • Edicts: Perform physical training, rebuild things destroyed by enemies.
  • Anathema: Impede the flowing of water, surrender in a meaningful fight.
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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