Chromatic Dragonborn


Chromatic Dragonborn are known for their vibrant scales and powerful elemental abilities, drawing upon the raw force of chromatic dragons. With scales in the colors of black, blue, green, red, and white, they wield breath weapons that unleash elemental forces such as fire, lightning, cold, acid, and poison.   Though their connection to chromatic dragons is mysterious, many believe they are linked to the dragon goddess Tiamat. During the Dragon War, numerous Chromatic Dragonborn allied with Tiamat and her dragon followers, leading to their current reputation as dangerous and untrustworthy. This association results in widespread suspicion and distrust from other races, who fear that Chromatic Dragonborn might still be loyal to Tiamat.   Despite this stigma, many Chromatic Dragonborn strive to prove their integrity and distance themselves from these dark associations. They aim to redefine themselves, demonstrating they are not bound by Tiamat's legacy.

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 6 to 7 feet tall.
  • Build: Muscular and imposing.
  • Scales: Black, blue, green, red, or white.
  • Eyes: Piercing colors that match their elemental power.
  • Horns and Frills: Distinctive horns and frills vary in shape and size, showcasing their draconic nature. Some possess sharp horns, while others have fin-like frills.

Society and Culture

Chromatic Dragonborn typically form tribes or clans that prioritize strength and mastery of elemental powers. They are more individualistic than their metallic cousins, driven by the chaotic forces they wield. Clan hierarchy is based on displays of power and skill, with leaders showing exceptional control over their elemental abilities.   In their clans, Chromatic Dragonborn are deeply connected to their elemental powers, which influence their roles and life paths. Known for their independence, they often pursue personal goals and seek mastery over their abilities. While their nature can lead to internal conflict, they form strong bonds through shared challenges and trials.

Key Aspects

  • Elemental Power: Potent elemental abilities make them formidable in battle.
  • Pride: Strong sense of self and identity tied to their abilities.
  • Resilience: Thrive in challenging environments, showing adaptability.
  • Independence: Pursue personal goals and mastery of their powers.

Relations with Other Races

Due to their ties to Tiamat and their role in the Dragon War, Chromatic Dragonborn are often viewed with suspicion by other races. This distrust can lead to social isolation and difficulties in forming alliances. However, those who demonstrate integrity and loyalty can earn respect over time. They are often judged by their actions rather than their appearance and strive to distance themselves from Tiamat's shadow.

Common Traits

  • Breath Weapon: Replace one attack with a 30-foot line of elemental energy (Dexterity save, DC = 8 + Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus). Deals 1d10 damage (2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, 4d10 at 17th level), half on a save. Usable a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, recharges on a long rest.
  • Draconic Resistance: Resistance to the damage type of their ancestry (e.g., fire, cold, lightning, acid, poison).
  • Chromatic Warding: Starting at 5th level, become immune to their ancestry's damage type for 1 minute, once per long rest.

Race Traits and Abilities

  • Age: Mature at the same rate as humans; lifespan up to 80 years.
  • Alignment: Typically Chaotic, but can vary.
  • Size: Medium (6 to 7 feet tall).
  • Speed: 30 feet.
  • Breath Weapon: 30-foot line of elemental energy; Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus). Deals 1d10 damage, increasing to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th level. Usable a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, recharges on a long rest.
  • Draconic Resistance: Resistance to the damage type associated with chromatic ancestry (e.g., fire, cold, lightning, acid, poison).
  • Chromatic Warding: Starting at 5th level, become immune to the damage type of your ancestry for 1 minute; usable once per long rest.
  • Languages: Common, Draconic.
Encompassed species


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