Sarus Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Lady of Shadows

Sarus commonly known as the Lady of Shadow, is the patron of thieves and assassins. She lurks in the darkest places in the world and deals in secrets. Some claim that she resides on the dark side of the moon Volana and from there watches all the things people think go unnoticed in the dead of night. Her face is never depicted instead she is often depicted as wearing a white Owl mask.  


During the God war she did not truly involve herself and instead smuggled information retaining to the enemies position and allowed the prevailing gods to strike where and when their enemy was weak.   During the war she was captured by The Ascended and was tortured for information. She refused to reveal anything that would endanger or weaken those supporting The Prime Pantheon. It was at this point that her face was heavily scared resulting in the mask that she now wears. It is unknown how she escaped imprisonment, for all who knew were hunted down by Sarus and her worshipers and killed before her secrets could be divulged.  


Due to her affinity with owls many believe that owls are messengers for Sarus and that when an owl can be heard hooting at night that it has just learned a dangerious secret and is reporting back to its mistress. Others believe that this is a signal to all that Sarus has just struck down an enemy and the owls are asking to know the identity of the recently slain.

Divine Domains

  • Secrets
  • Assassins
  • Dreams
  • Thieves
  • Pirates
  • Lunar Eclipse

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lunar Eclipse, A Barn Owl's Face
Divine Classification


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