The Prime Pantheon Organization in Boriel | World Anvil

The Prime Pantheon

The Prime Pantheon of Gods, given power by the faith and believe of their followers they freed the world from the tyrany of The Ascended. Though they have retreated from the world their influence call still be felt and and in times of great peril they have been known to intervene. The Are 12 chief Deities of the Prime Pantheon, they are Attia, Dyara, Gien, Lelo, Mearea, Morkral, Sarus, Siarin, Talthos, The Witness, Theorr and Ziva. These chief Deities are widely worshipped, however there are countless other gods who are worshiped on a regional or racial basis.

Divine Origins

In the age of darkness, The Ascended ruled and their sick and twisted attitude toward the creatures beneath them was felt by all. Individuals, livestock, villages and on a few occasions even entire nations were sacrificed to feed the power, needs or whims of their overlords. Many of the newer gods granted power through the faith and belif of their followers, began to take pity on the creatures of the world who were suffering.
That was until Talthos proclaimed that he would no longer stand by and let the creatures of the world suffer under such tyranny. The Ascended enraged by Talthos’ defiance attempted to destroy him. As they moved to strike at him, Talthos’ wife Mearea and daughter Attia rose to stand with him. Whist Mearea struck at the Gods of old Attia used her powers to keep the new gods safe, all the while Talthos used his power to breath his will and defiance in the face of tyranny into the peoples of the world. Thus began the God War. Whilst the The Ascended did battle against those of The Prime Pantheon, their followers fought against those they had once called slave and chattel.   In a desperate act to end Talthos’ rebellion The Ascended attempted to assassinate him. The Great Scaled one send sent one of his deadliest agents to strike down Talthos as he slept. Being a creature of shadow, the snake moved silently and unseen. With deadly force it stuck sinking its fangs deep into Talthos. Satisfied that the wound would be fatal the snake slivered away to return to its master. Talthos weakened by the attack sought shelter with his daughter Attia who used her power of healing to save his life.   With Talthos unable to continue his fight against The Ascended, Mearea took charge and possessing a keen mind for strategy she devised a plan to push The Ascended away from the world so they could no longer hold sway over the people there. The fighting was fierce with deaths on both sides, but ultimately Mearea's plan was successful and The Ascended were cast out to The Far Realm.   For a time the Gods of the Prime Pantheon walked among the peoples of Boriel helping them to rebuild. Seeing the races of the world begin to flourish The Gods of The Prime Pantheon retreated from Boriel as to not be tempted to interfere lest history repeat its self and they become the very enemy they cast out, and so it was that the Divine Barrier was constructed. The    In the Darkness of The Far Realm The Ascended move unseen, their exact current locations are unknown but they continuously press and probe at the Divine Barrier searching for weakness’ to slip through and re-establish their hold over the world unopposed.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations

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