Talthos Character in Boriel | World Anvil


Kind Father (a.k.a. Lord of Agriculture and Harbinger of the Harvest)

Talthos also known as the Kind Father, Lord of Agriculture and Harbinger of the Harvest. Talthos was the first of the Gods to truly stand against The Ascended, Talthos is viewed by many as the father of civilization. It is said that during the Dawn age he taught the many of the races how to work both land and metal, as well as the importance of family and the wider community. He is often associated with the sun as a life-giving force.


During the Dawn age, members of The Ascended tested their powers in ways that could be felt across the land. Rivers would run red with blood, creatures would become twisted and savage and very ground would shake and swallow entire cities. It was during this time that Talthos came across a village suffering from a famine.
  When Talthos arrived he could not undertand why the village was suffering so. The ground was fertile and water was readily avaliable, the fields that surrounded the village were filled with crops. The villagers explained that although the crops grew and appeared healthy, once they were pulled from the earth they turned rotten and died in the hands of those picking them.
  Upon hearing this explination Talthos begain searching for the cause of the corruption, but finding no sourse on the ground he turned his gaze skyward. With his divine sight there he saw an invisiable cloud that hung between the Sun and the village. Talthos took aim and hurled his great spear at the cloud piercing it. It fell and the sun's true light was returned to the land. Talthos returned to the village and told them of what had happened.
  Some say this is the finial act that drove Talthos to stand up to The Ascended in the act that would tricker the start of The God War.

Divine Domains

  • Peace
  • Law
  • The Sun
  • The Common Man
  • Artisans
  • Farmers

Tenets of Faith

• Be ever vigilant of evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.
• Help relieve the suffering of the innocent wherever it exists.
• Defend the home and hearth of those who embrace the light of Talthos.
Divine Classification


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