The Great Scaled One Character in Boriel | World Anvil

The Great Scaled One


The Great Scaled One is an Ancient entity from the dawn of the races. He is believed to be one of the first serpent-kin to complete a ritual of ascension. The Great Scaled One’s name has been lost to the pages of History. Legends tell that to speak his true name aloud is to summon him and all his fury to you. As such the only time his name was ever truly spoken by his followers was when offerings were being made to him.
Much of ancient serpent-kin worships him over all other deities, dragging screaming offerings to their temples in his honour. Most of the Great Scaled One’s worshipers have been annihilated, and those who haven’t are either suspended in self-induced stasis or isolation. But perhaps the Great Scaled One is merely biding his time, waiting for the proper moment to unleash his hidden armies upon the world once more.
The Great Scaled One loathes the goddess Attia, for he despises life, order, and love above all things. His surviving worshipers relish in using poison and fire to undermine civilization and consume nature, hoping to throw the world into fury and chaos Many forgotten temples were once built to the Great Scaled One, and within these chambers you would find his image engraved within much of the architecture. A human body with a half-dozen arms that houses a gargantuan serpent head, fanged and frilled in aggression.

Tenets of Faith

  • Move unseen.
  • Take advantage of the weakness of others and carve out weakness of your own.
  • Make offerings to the Great Scaled One or become an offering yourself.
Divine Classification
God (Ascention)


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