Attia Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Lady of the Tarnanquil Pools (a.k.a. Aloro, The Healer, The Lady of Peace)


Attia, also known as the Lady of the Tranquil pools. It is said that Attia is a spirit of nature born to defend the world from the evils that would destroy it. When she came across the races she saw they potential for evil, but also that of good. She believed that under her guidance they could become beacons of purity for all the world to see and as such began to mold and guide the races.


One day a simple farmer was brought before Attia, he had been bitten by a snake and the poison had begun to spread throughout his body. Attia took pity on the man for he had done no wrong and yet his life would soon end. She bathed the man in the waters of a near by lake and when he emerged from the waters he was healed.   That night as the world slept a dark venomous serpent slivered down to the healing pool. The Great Scaled One furious at Attia for robbing him of the soul that would be his when the poison took the man, he sent one of his agents to poision the water that had been used to heal the man.   Following Attia's teachings people brought their sick and wounded and at first they all seemed cured but once they left the poision took hold and the The Great Scaled One claimed their souls for his own. Over time the poision in the pool began to disapate and The Great Scaled One dispatched another serpent to the pool to apply more poision. This time however Attia was waiting and caught the serpent and killed it before it could poision the pool again. From that day forth she commanded that her follows continue the practice of healing those in need, but to also hunt down those who would spread suffering through the world, in particular the followers of The Great Scaled One.

Divine Domains

  • Healing
  • Childbirth
  • Beauty
  • Love/Marriage

Tenets of Faith

  • Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
  • Aid those who are without guide. Heal those who are without hope.
  • Combat those who would seek to spread darkness to the hearts of others.
Divine Classification


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