You gain the Power to create a Chess Piece(Item) infused with your
Cursed Energy and your
Curse Technique
This Chess Piece(Item) can be used in PLACE of a Chess Piece(Person) that has died BUT the person who SHOULD have died will be left unconscious and will still Die if you lose the Game
To create one of these "Chess Pieces"(Item) which must match the type of "Chess Piece"(Person) your trying to save, You must give up a small portion of your Max-CE [If you lose the game and lose the Chess Piece then you also lose that Max-CE and cannot gain it back]
The Cost of the CE Scales on what type of Chess Piece your are trying to make
NOTE: These cannot be made in the middle of combat OR in the middle of a GAME
Given Up
1. You give up the right to defend yourself in the middle of a Game and CANNOT mess with Creatures who are IN the Game
2. You also reduce your Cursed Energy Output by half