Demon Lord Species in BossVerse | World Anvil

Demon Lord

Race: Demon Lord   Max-Age: Infinity   Level: Celestial       Pro:   Anti-God   Thought Acceleration   Black Magic Immunity   Spider Walk   Anti-Telekinesis   Demon Lord's Regeneration   Demon Lord's Stamina Regeneration   True Free Will   Flexibility   Demonic Deal   Dominion Over Hell/Demons   Demon Lord's Resistance   Hell Fire Manipulation [Can Create/Control Hell Fire]   Unmatched Strength/Regeneration   Demon Lord Possession [You can Possess Almost anything] {This can Possess more than the average Demon Can}   Demon Lord's Magic [Your Spells can be over 500X Stronger]   M.R. 10   Demon Summoning [Can summon Demons to them] {Must have a (Pact) with them}   Demon Lord's Immortality   Mimic Resistance   Can control how much Demonic Energy Is Leaving Them   You have all of the Powers of a Archdemon/Do-mon-an       Con:   They are Demonic BUT somehow... They can walk over Salt and are uneffected by Holy Water       Note:   Demonic Trait       ---Starting Stats---   Vitality: 20,000,000,000,000   Strength: 999,999,999,999   Magic: Infinity   Spirit: Infinity   Agility: 2,000,000,000   ------Looks------   Depends On The Demon Lord
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