Native Angel Species in BossVerse | World Anvil

Native Angel

Race: Native Angel   Max-Age: Infinity   Level: Sub-Celestial       Pro:   Angelic Power Augmentation {Grace Cost: 500}   Sedation [Angels are able to render mortals unconscious with a touch]   Can easily turn Water into Holy Water {Grace Cost: 5}   Resurrection [Angels can bring the dead back to life, However they must have the soul and the body, the body needs to be atleast over 75% intact] {Grace Cost: 999}   Angelic Possession   Angelic Smite [Deals alot of Damage] {Damage Types = Angelic, Electric} {This can kill even Demons} {Grace Cost: 600}   Localization       Note:   Has all of the Powers/Cons/Notes of Mortal Angel   Unique Form       ---Starting Stats---   Vitality: 850,000   Strength: 250,000   Magic: Infinity   Grace: 10,000   Spirit: Infinity   Agility: 20 [Flight 350]
Genetic Descendants
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