
Name: Pero   Title: The Lost One   Status: Alive   Divine Pledge: None   AU: 343   Motivation: To expand her Magical Knowledge   Mental Flaw: She is very scared of Humans and Zero   Sex: Female   Age: Unknown   Race: Falmer   Height: 5,4       Strength: 8   Charisma: 12   Wisdom: 14   Intelligence: 15   Constitution: 9   Dexterity: 7       ---Personality Traits---   Unknown   ---Extra Info---   She fought Zero and survived   She created the Dungeon known as "Pero's Lost Tomb"   ---Spells---   Unknown   ---Skills----   Mage = Master+   ---Techniques---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Zero = -100%   ---Curses---   Apathy   ---Languages---   Common   ---Stats---   Vitality: 50   Poise: 50   Strength: 10   Magic: 800,000,000   Faith: 0   Spirit: 20   Agility: 9   Endurance: 120
Ruled Locations


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