Satan Character in BossVerse | World Anvil


Name: Satan   Title: Demon Lord Of Wrath   Status: Alive   Motivation: ?   Mental Flaw: ?   Sex: Male   Age: ?   Race: Demon Lord   Height: Depends on the Form he is In       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Extra Info---   Chaos Demon   Likes to screw with Time Speeds of Hell   Satan is unmatched in Demonic Magic   Satan has more Forms than ANY of the other Sins   ---Powers---   Satan's Wrath   Combustion   Satan is able to Sense the Rage in others   Weapon Manifestation {Satan}   Satan has a AOE Power that stops all Supernatural Regeneration from working [This works on Both Satan and has been shown to work on Priscilla]   ---Techniques---   Fast Strike   ---Favor---   Unknown   ---Languages---   Common   Demonic Tongue   ---Quotes---  
"I Wish i kept Eris here so she could watch this"
"I will fill these halls with your screams, Your Screams will echo and become lovely music"
"I find joy in breaking minds, watching sanity crumble like ancient ruins."
Do you know why i think your Pathetic? Your weak. Do you know why your weak? Because that is simply what you are, and that is what your will ALWAYS BE... a weakling
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