Sofia Molbrut

Name: Sofia Molbrut   Title: None   Status: Alive   Divine Pledge: None   AU: AU#508   Rank: Noble   Job: None   Kingdom: Veilstead   Motivation: To not be killed again/To live her best Life   Mental Flaw: ?   Sex: Female   Age: Same Age as Jackie Jerreckson   Race: Variant Human   Level: 0   Height: ?       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Personality Traits---   ?   ---Extra Info---   According to Elowen, She has been Reincarnated   ---Powers---   ?   ?   Spider Manipulation: She can infuse her Mana into any Spider Creature and take control over it   ---Spells---   ?   ---Skills----   ?   ---Techniques---   ?   ---Favor---   Jackie Jerreckson = ?%   ---Languages---   Common   ---Stats---   Vitality: 100   Strength: 10   Magic: 350   Faith: 0   Spirit: 85   Agility: 8   Endurance: 100


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