Tavernal, Sarah Character in Boston on Fire | World Anvil

Tavernal, Sarah

Like the Kindred, Sarah is a social predator. But whereas vampires drink the lifeblood of their victims, Sarah only feeds upon their hopes and desires. Val encountered her at The Asylum when she ran into some difficulty crossing through the warded space. After an unusually frank, yet coy, conversation, they found each other intriguing, and have gone out infrequently to see if there was anything to their burgeoning relationship.   She is outwardly flirtatious and somewhat submissive in demeanor, but has revealed that this is mostly a mask she wears to lure in marks. She is genuinely pleasant, though, and doesn't want to hurt anyone.   She has revealed that her parents sold her to a fairie when she was a young girl living in Florida, but she escaped her master's clutches and moved north. She doesn't believe she is fully fae, but only marked by her time with the Court. She has shown that she can see the desires of others and tempt them magically with glamour. Beyond that, she is something of a mystery.   When she texted Val for help, they found her bleeding on the ground near the club. Strange words surrounded her, and there was a foreign presence in the air.    Why would someone attack this beautiful woman? To send a message to the coterie? Or for something she is responsible for herself?


Tavernal, Sarah

Girlfriend (Trivial)

Towards Valentine Anderson



Valentine Anderson

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Tavernal, Sarah




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