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Quest Journal

General Summary

Main Quests

Explore the Mountain Pass to the East (Active)

  • We received reports of guards spotting a group of shady people exiting the city to the East. The Bramble Grove City Government is building a small posse to follow the lead there and investigate the possible motives and composition of the assassins.
  • We volunteered to join up with the posse as members to investigate.
  • Heading East, we had to split the posse with some soldiers going towards Otter Country and the party heading higher up into the mountains.
  • We came across a necromancer using the bodies of foreign creatures to the grove.
  • We found a note from a mysterious "Benny". The note seems to match the events of recent days. The line "Them three important bozos down in the Grove gots-ta go." seems to be the most poignant.
  • In Harrier's Peak, we came across members of the Phoenix Network. They recalled seeing creatures matching those same foreign creatures we saw reanimated as well as hearing about the news of Archibald Hookbill's death. Though, the townspeople seem to think that those events were months and years ago, rather than days.
  • We learned that those foreigners met with the magistrates before leaving the city. We don't know what they discussed or where they went afterwards.
  • We learned that the foreigners who came through were led by a person called Lynx with red fur working for Benny.
  • We learned that Benny was responsible for procuring the odd magical metals used in magistrate Telmin's machine and that Benny has nefarious plans for the grove.
  • We learned that Benny lives in Viperwood, a city to the northwest of Bramble Grove.

Explore the Caverns below the city

  • We received word from Duskwatcher that he and Archibald Hookbill were looking into dark forces amassing beneath the city prior to his assassination. He offered to aid us if we decided to venture below.
  • Hootentag was given a dark onyx gemstone with instructions to crush it if we wanted to speak with him.

Explore the Star Druid Temple

  • With her dying breath, the Archdruid charged Asteria to seek out the fabled Star Druid Temple. While vague, she assured the younger coon druid that this was key to a prophecy and the ultimate safety of Bramble Grove.
  • While we do not know where the temple is, Marlowe was drunkenly reminiscing about visiting the temple in his younger years. He might be a good place to start for directions.

Side Quests

Harrier's Peak: A Wrinkle In Time (Active; Location Sensitive; Time Sensitive)
  • We put together that there is some form of time alteration affecting the city of Harrier's Peak. Time seems to pass much slower in the city than outside of it. It seems that visitors are given a temporary immunity from this effect, likely to prevent the city from drawing too much attention from outside visitors. After freeing people in the jail, we seemed to lose our temporary immunity. We could investigate this further. Given the time dilation effects, if we were to leave and return at a later point, it's likely that years would pass for any potential allies we might have made, leaving their fates unknown.
  • We learned that magistrate Telmin seemingly devised a machine responsibel for this time manipulation. Based on our conversation with him, he is the only one able to maintain or change the machine. If he is to be believed, bringing harm to him would doom tens of thousands of lives and multiple cities and villages worth of infastructure.
  • Telmin stated that he could safely stop the machine if we were to bring him three pieces of magical metal that served as conduits in a dilapidated magical city to the East. Though venturing off to do so would subject us to the time dilation, likely causing months or years to pass within the city before our eventual return.

Asteria: A Druid by any Otter Name

  • Asteria was shocked to find the only other star druid she's ever met to be the heretofore unnamed archdruid. Not much is known about the archdruid's personal history. Perhaps seeking out information in one of the otter villages or among the different druidic circles might turn up more leads.

Hootentag: Aerie Avarice


Explore the City

  • The city of Bramble Grove has many mysteries to uncover. Being a major crossroads and hub, there's sure to be information, people, or resources here that can help us in our other adventures.

Making Money

Report Date
14 Aug 2023

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