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Welcome to the world of Brassica, currently in the 156th year of its third age. The world of Brassica is a large world, with many continents and islands both known and unknown. The "centre" of the known world is the continent of Alyssum, where the Alyssian Empire changed the course of the entire world in the first age. Alyssum is home to many creatures with their own unique way of living, but none of these come close to the splendor of the long-lost empire. Today, only the ruins spread across the continent remain, filled with rewards for the courageous souls who dare brave them.     About languages: For the sake of simplicity I have used real languages as inspiration, though they are not 1-1 to accurate for several reasons (including the fact that I do not speak most of these languages).   Common - Norwegian/English
Dwarvish - German
Elvish - Japanese
Giant - Icelandic
Gnomish - Korean
Goblin - Danish
Halfling - Irish
Orc - Spanish
  Abyssal - Russian
Celestial - Latin
Draconic - Welsh
Deep Speech - Hebrew
Infernal - Hungarian
Primoridal - Northern Sami
Sylvan - Mandarin
Undercommon - Yiddish