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Maristed is known for two things: 1) Having the highest standard of living for its citizens 2) Not counting elves as people   Maristed was founded by human refugees escaping persecution in the The Alyssian Empire , and was built as a city state free of elves. This was during the beginning of the second rebellion, and as such the settlement was allowed to grow. When the empire fell Maristed remained unaffected, save for the fact that their small skirmishes with the empire was replaced with fending off bandits. The leaders, a council chosen in elections by the citizens, made a policy for new citizens, giving anyone a small home and a pouch of coins. This led to people from all over joining the settlement, and it quickly grew into a large city state. However, soon elves attempted to join. Any elf who came to close was captured, and they were held in a dungeon as the council argued over what to do with them. The traditions of the empire, though they would rather die than admit it, were still prevelant and prisoners were made to do unpaid labour. The elves were never freed, and soon the council decided that all elves, to repent for the crimes of the empire, were to be prisoners for all time.   Today, this decree stil stands. Elves are however no longer kept in prison, but instead sold as slaves. Most of them work in the mines, overseen by priests and jailers all to keen to remind them that they are lesser, that all eleves are sinners and they need to repent. Half-elves are considered elves in the legal sense, but are usually killed as infants.
Geopolitical, City-state

Neutral (ignoring each other)

Elmsvik and Maristed are on amicable terms, mostly become Elmsvik is shy of conflict. Maristed refuses positive relations with anyone who allows elves as citizens, and Elmsvik frowns upon Maristed blatant racism and use of slaves. Neither party appears interested in acting upon this mutual dislike however, and so an uneasy peace where they both pretend the other doesn't exist reigns.


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