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Heart of Ubtao

The earthmote earned its name from it's shape that somewhat resembled a humanoid heart, with petrified tree roots that duplicated veins and arteries. Rainwater that filtered through deposits of iron became red in hue, resembling blood that dripped down to the jungle below. Faithful Chultans believed it was the actual heart of their patron deity.

  Valindra sometimes read many hours at once, before choosing a random moment to jump from the island, and explore the environment she then was located in. Chult contained many unexplained wonders and magic, and Valindra was out to research it.

Purpose / Function

Valindra made this her home. She kept many books in here and used it as a quiet place to read, since most mortals were not able to get up there.


The inside ob the heart was hollow. In there, Valindra kept thousands of books and wondrous objects in there. She also made a Magic Circle, so she could teleport anywhere she wanted to.


A set of stairs lets you enter the heart from the side. You could also enter through the tree stump, because it was hollow.


While the hallow, petrified tree in the earthmote was naturally home to swarms of bats, the earthmote also housed a number of undead protectors, including a pair of zombified girallons.
Alternative Names
The Flying Island
World wonder
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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