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Phandalin was a mainly human village located northeast of Leilon, where the road that ran from the High Road to Triboar faded into a trail. It was raided by orcs in 350 BTS and subsequently abandoned. It was eventually resettled, however, and Phandalin became a frontier settlement of farmers and prospectors looking for wealth in the Sword Mountains.


Phandalin had no functioning government, but the townsfolk annually elected a "townsmaster". The townsmaster would serve as a judge and mediator, and also kept the records that needed to be kept.


Phandalin had three deep wells.


After Volothamp Geddarm passed through the town and wrote about it, the area experienced an influx of tourists and adventurers.
The residents of Phandalin think highly of the Vita's Wardens, because they established peace with the fierceful dragon "Cryovain".
Founding Date
Circa 90 BTS
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