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Avaris Lurie

Golden Fields

  • The Goldenfields were the place of birth for Avaris.
  • His mother lived here with him until she took her life.
  • They owned a small hut near the Earth Mother’s Bounty. This shop sold seeds and ornamental cornucopias to Goldenfields' visitors.

  • Mother

    Eliyen Lurie
    Appearance: Black long hair, Brown green eyes, Pale white skin.
      Personality: Very self-sacrificing, kind
    She did everything she could to make Avaris childhood better until one day she commited suicide. Nobody really knew why. Most suspected it was because she overworked herself and it just became too much.

    Events & Memories:

    Early Years 0-13 y/o Avaris Lurie was born into a family with a human father and an elven mother but despite that he was still born a full elf which angered his father and lead him to neglect both him and his mother who both had to live in poverty which lead to his mother’s suicide.
    The moment he saw his dead mother was the first time his magic surfaced. After her death his father took him to his home.
    He didn't really understand why his father invited him but he had nowhere else to go now.

    School in the Feywild


    Zherxius Appearance: A purple tiefling with straight backward horns and yellow eyes. Short black hair. Clothes are usually very unusual and he never wears the same thing twice.
    Personality: Very confident person and probably one of the best speakers avaris knows if he wants to convince anyone of something he will do it 99% of the time. Never learned much about magic and relied more on his natural talent. He helped Avaris to become much more confident himself.
    Azyja Appearance: Her appearance resembles an albino elf with white skin and hair through and through, eyes in a bright looking pink, clothes are always completely white with pink embellishments and silver jewelry with pink crystals   Personality: A rather quiet thoughtful person However when you know her better one of the most wholesome but at the same time creepiest person avaris met. She used her own kind of magic to manipulate dreams and was even able to heal or hurt people with the help of the contents of the dreams. Avaris held up several times as a test object of her spells, which is why she knows the most about his past.

        Iella Linaria Appearance: A Noble Eladrin With blue skin which had markings on it that looked like star signs Which went over her shoulders down to her arms, She wears blue robes with open shoulders and arms.   Personality: She is an absolute perfectionist and also trains every single spell until she has perfected it to the smallest detail. She also helped avaris perfect his own magic.

    Mere of the Dead Men

  • Here lives the feared Frer Blueheart himself. Not many know about the headquarters, but Avaris grew up here, after his mother took her life.
  • most of his Teen Life took place here (Age 13-18)
  • Only the highest tiers of slave workers know about Frer and the fact he lives here and runs everything.
  • Slaves will be shipped here if they are near the sword coast and don’t have a buyer yet.



      Frer Blueheart (Vater) Barbarian, Aggressive, Greedy "The father Frer Blueheart about him even avaris does not know too much because of their relationship and because he came later in his life, but he is a very angry person who very quickly resorts to violence when he does not like something. What he catches is mostly everything that he sees as a rare race so he will also depending on how rare this is to different degrees act if you have for example a tiefling which, is already quite rare, but already appears more often so you will try to simply kidnap him without causing a big stir if it is however rarer as for example dragonborn, Firbolg, genasi or as with Sho Kitsune he shies away from almost nothing and would even take the murder of several people for it".

      Sho Neugierig, Weltoffen, liebt Reisen “Sho was Rin's daughter who kept her hidden to protect her from people like avari's father she would have been 20 at the time of the campaign because they were mostly on the run had no fixed hometown which would come closest to chult from the personality she is rather shy but very curious and loves to travel and see new places.”


    Events & Memories:

    Sho, Gengolor, and Nethsolis (936 (13-17 y/o))

    His father lived in a luxurious mansion on top of a hill a couple of miles away from waterdeep. It didn't take long for Avaris Lurie to find out how his father earned such wealth and it fueled his disgust and hatred against him even more because it was by the business of slave trading and even having a company under his name called the Blueheart Company for trading to cover up his illegal business.
    This company specialized in finding extraordinary and rare races because they bring in the biggest amount of money. His father also enjoyed collecting some of these races for himself like some sort of sick hobby.
    Not knowing how to deal with the situation he found himself and he started to seclude himself from everything around him and tried to and as a compensation focused on teaching himself to play the piano. After around six moons of living at his father's house while playing the piano he noticed a noise at his door when he checked on the noise he found one of his fathers slaves trying to listen in on his music a young girl around his age who appeared to be a kitsune with deer-like features. He noticed the amount of fear inside her eyes, and he told her not to worry and invited her to listen inside his room. from that day on she would always be around him when he was playing. at first they didn't even talk, he would just play and she would listen. it took a while until they would start to talk but eventually they began opening up to each other and she would even start to sing some songs with him playing in the background. She also Introduced him to her friends who were also his father's slaves. one was called Gengolor; a very big but kindhearted firbolg and Nethsolis a Red skinned tiefling with golden freckles who seemed to be very well-behaved and educated. She was even able to play the Piano. Avaris grew close to them and helped them with everything he could and they would spend every chance they had to make the best out of their current situation. That didn't go without some notice of his father which was strongly against his liking which often led to him reacting extremely angry at the smallest mistake and acting more violent in his punishments.

    Sho’s Death (940 (17 y/o))

    Avaris Confessed his love to sho who returned those feelings and with that he promised her he would get her out of his fathers tyranny. His plan was to get her out and find a way to free their friends. But on the day of the escape his father found them out and attacked sho which led avaris to lose control of his flames. But no matter what he did he could not stop his father who then killed sho forcing avaris to lose control completely until his father knocked him out.  


    First time entering the Feywild (940 (17 y/o))

    The next thing he remembered is how he woke up in a cart. He could still feel his anger and sadness but it felt like something was suppressing it. There were three other people in the cart with him, one was there to attend his wounds and the other looked like they were ready to attack at any given moment. The woman attending his wounds asked him questions about his well being and what he remembers about what had happened but avaris was not able to answer having the constant feeling of his emotion breaking loose but something keeping it locked. Looking out of the cart at first glance it looked like a normal forest path but looking closer it appeared much more vibrant in color and a lot of very unique plants as well as animals he had never seen before. After a few hours they neared a big building build of clean white marble.

    Arrival at the school (940 (17 y/o))

    As he exited the cart he saw a few people who seemed to have prepared for his arrival; one Elven woman introduced herself as the ark mage of this school asking him to introduce himself. Even though there were many students out, only a few really paid attention to the new arrival. Wanting to ask where he is avaris stepped a few steps ahead and as soon as he was a certain distance away from the woman all of his locked up emotion rushed back as he screamed the flames started to rise again slightly burning one of the people who were guarding him but not only that in front of him a terrifying beast manifested. The headmistress alongside other high ranking wizards of the school managed to slay the beast. For the first few days avaris was guarded and trained to manage his emotions enough so something like the time he arrived wouldn't happen again.

    Time in School (941 (18 y/o))

    Once he was able to control it enough he decided to stay for a while so he could come up with a plan to free his friends and also become strong enough to kill his father He also tried to find out what connections his father had to this place but sadly to no success. He knew he would want to abuse the unique races to his advantage but he couldn't figure out what connections he had to the school and why they would react so fast to his request. especially when he noticed how close the relationship between pupils and teacher or other higher placing ranks where it really seemed like a place where everyone cared for each other and the teachers would shy away at nothing to keep all of their students safe. At first, most people distanced herself from him because of what happened at his arrival except for one person, a very lively violet skinned tiefling called Zherxius who he then made friends and alongside him avaris also managed to make a few more friends at that school. In this time he also learned a lot about this place which was called the feywild and how it works and that a string of paths can have huge consequences for his life. After a few months once he felt ready he went back to his world to begin his plan. But before leaving he asked his friends on a way to stay in contact.
    (Hier kommt das was in DSA passiert ist und die begegnung mit mish gun un und das vorbereiten der winery. Avaris hat in der Vorahnung das er den kampf nicht überlebt ein Zettel hinterlassen wo er sich bei seinem Freunden für alles entschuldigt was passiert ist und sich von ihnen verabschiedet dazu stand in diesen zettel noch informationen über den Wunsch die winery zu ein Sanctuary für Leute mit ähnlichen Schicksal wie sie es erlitten haben zu machen.)

    The Assassination of Blueheart (943 (20 y/o))

    On the day before his attack on his father he sent a message back to his friends at the school informing them about the fact that he will most likely not survive his plan. He Started his plan by breaking into his house which wasn't that hard for him since he lived there for a long time. Once inside, he freed all of the slaves his father owned and gave them the information where the winery would be after that he lit every single exit except for one on fire and forced half of the building to collapse which he was sure would wake up is father so he waited at the last intact exit to confront him. Once that happened he started to unleash all his anger and attacked him. The flames started to spread farther and further as more parts of the building collapsed. (Das ist der moment wo sich dann die timeline geändert hat) Until he finally managed to fling a strong burst of fire at his father; shooting him out of the back of the building down into the cliff on which the mansion was built on. Avaris was badly hurt after that fight, barely even being able to move he noticed that after the rest of the building he was now completely locked inside the burning mansion and even though he finally defeated his father he still didn't feel any sort of relief as the anger in him was still as strong as ever. The flames were completely out of control. He started to lose consciousness as he tried to free himself from the burning building. Until he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to him as some of the debre got blasted away by an arcane force and behind it was Zherxius. together with some of his friends from the school and the headmistress they immediately grabbed his hand and with the help of the headmistress plan shifted back to the feywild close to the school. But after they arrived, because avaris still couldn’t control his anger, a beast manifested and started to attack them which was this time much harder to take down because they weren't as many as the last time. During the battle the monsters threw avaris a great distance off the safe route. But they still managed to take it down. Avaris stayed there for a few months to recover from his wounds his father gave him but once he was fully recovered even though he really liked this place and the people there he had to leave to find his old friends to help them create the saveheaven they imagined.

    Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Avaris has a pale skin and a slender build. A typical body shape for that of an elf. He may not seem like it, but he is fit enough to travel long distances without tiring.

    Body Features

    Avaris has a demonic demon arm, that he hides under cloth in public.

    Special abilities

    The Demonic Arm

    • Avaris lost the ability to cast anything but fire spells.
    • If his arm is subjected to a scale of a dragon, his arm adapts and changes its color and abilities to fit the color of the scales. This ordeal is extremely painful, but Avaris grew accustomed to it.
    • Using the arm is very exhausting, both physically and mentally. Avaris knows his limits, but is able to break them if he is willing to.
    Obsidian-scaled Arm
    Avaris ignores fire resistance.   Active: Avaris spends Sorcery points equal to the level of the spell he casts to empower it. Immunity becomes Resistance, Resistance becomes no Resistance and no Resistance becomes Vulnerability to fire damage. He can use more points than he has, but has to throw a CON SAVE against 10+EXCEEDED POINTS. If he fails, he gets two levels of Exhaustion, if he succeeds, he only gets one. If he has 0 points, he cannot use it.
    White-scaled Arm
    Passive: Avaris adds his charisma modifier to the damage roll of the spells he casts.   Active: Avaris spends hit dice equal to the level of the spell he casts to empower it. All used hit dice are rolled and added to the damage roll of the spell. Additionally, for every hit die spent, the damage is increased again by an amount equal to his charisma modifier. He can use more hit dice than he has, but has to throw a CON SAVE against 10+EXCEEDED hit dice. If he fails, he gets two levels of Exhaustion, if he succeeds, he only gets one. If he has 0 hit dice, he cannot use it.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    After the death of his mother, Avaris had to go to his father, whom he hated, and found out that he was a slave trader. This was where he met new friends, including Sho, who became his love interest.
    He then tried to free his friends which went terribly wrong and his friend Sho was killed by the hand of his father, which led to an enormous outburst of rage. Afterwards, he was taken to a school which was on another plane where he was supposed to learn to contain his anger. He became strong enough to eventually take revenge on his father and free his friends who were still slaves. He almost died, but the companions he met at his school took him back to the school.
    Avaris was born at the Golden Fields near Waterdeep. There his mother had a run-down hut.



    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Avaris freed his friends, but haven't seen them since.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Avaris gives himself fault for Sho's death. He is convinced he could've changed fate, if only he had been strong enough...

    Mental Trauma

    His girlfriend was killed by his father, right in front of his eyes. His father did it as an example.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Avaris sees himself as someone who has to redeem himself, not able to show weaknesses. Strangers would consider him a kind-hearted person. Avaris can can also be very intimidating, though, especially towards someone Avaris doesn't like.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Live and let live.

    Personality Characteristics


    • Wipe out the Blueheart Company
    • Help others, especially those who suffered the same fate as Sho

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    His rage can drive him reckless, and sometimes he relies on someone to calm him down again.

    Likes & Dislikes

    He likes freedom, and dislikes anyone, who puts themselves above others to rule over them.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Avaris has a silver tongue, and is very charismatic. His eloquence allows him to blend in with almost every level of society.


    Avaris keeps himself clean at all times. A flawless appearance and a chaotic mind can change the world.


    Avaris Lurie

    Boyfriend (Vital)

    Towards Sho




    Girlfriend (Vital)

    Towards Avaris Lurie




    They met each other at Frer Blueheart's place. Avaris played the piano from time to time and Sho loved the sound of it. She sometimes watched him, swooshing away after he stopped to look who's watching him. One time Avaris heard someone sing silently, and called them out. Sho came out of the shadows of the room, awaiting her punishment for it. Avaris told her to sit next to him. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she knew what would happen if she didn't listen, and so she did. To her surprise he explained that he just wanted her to come closer so he could enjoy her singing better while playing the piano, because it was too quiet to hear from across the room. And so, it became a regular hobby of both of them, just singing, playing the piano, talking, and enjoying each other's company. Until Frer, Avaris' father, found out...


    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Xandrilla



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Celene




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Gengolor




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Quki




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Nethsolis




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Luvar




    Friend (Important)

    Towards Avaris Lurie





    Towards Avaris Lurie


    Avaris Lurie


    Towards Cryovain


    Frer Blueheart

    Father (Trivial)

    Towards Avaris Lurie



    Avaris Lurie

    Son (Vital)

    Towards Frer Blueheart



    A charasimatic elf who is using innate fire powers to protect those he holds dear to him. And to burn down the ones he swore vengeance against.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Good
    Current Location
    Date of Birth
    The 24th Day of Alturiak
    Year of Birth
    2 ATS 17 Years old
    Raven black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white
    6' 0''
    150 lbs.
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    • Common
    • Draconic
    • Elvish
    • Isari



    Class / Subclass

    Sorcerer / Draconic Bloodline


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