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Gracosian Kingdom

The Gracosian Kingdom is a large, isolated kingdom located in the mountainous regions north of the Pharsian Empire. It borders the Theph to the south, the Thraxian Kingdom to the west and the Yuatanese Tribelands to the east. The Gracosian Kingdom is not very receptive of outsiders, though frontier tribes will often trade. Due to their shared cultural heritage, Gracosians will be more receptive to Thraxians than any other foreigner. Gracos is considered barbaric by the more advanced kingdoms, but their smiths are still fabled through the known world as more capable than most in the arts of forging metal.


The Gracosian King demands loyalty of tribal chiefs through military might and tradition, but that doesn't always stop tribes from warring with each other. A great part of the king's time is spent ensuring blood feuds and minor skirmishes don't devolve into all-out warfare. Despite having a few fertile valleys, Gracos is mostly too rocky and mountainous for extensive agriculture, so goat-herding is their main form of substance and fights for pasturing rights and herds are a matter of survival. Outside the central fertile region, most Gracosian tribes live in small villages in the mountains, but the center of the kingdom sees some walled cities, small and crude compared to their more civilized counterparts, but still home to thousands of Gracosians. These cities are ruled usually directly by the King, as they are a mix of different tribal populations that no chief can claim. The King resides in the city of Gracos and appointed rulers to the other cities, known as Thans. The badge of office of the Than is a cerimonial shield with the king effigy.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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