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Artificer's Guild

History Artificers originally branched from the Order of Magic, as magic users wished to automate their magical abilities. Basic magic users are capable of harnessing the raw elements via magic gems or interfacing with the Æther force directly, but in order to perform more complicated tasks takes a great deal of time and training as a magical user. Some expert magic users started using mechanical machines to perform some of the more complicated functions of magic, allowing them to streamline their spells. This introduced the ability for less experienced magic users to perform more complicated functions with magic when augmented by machines.   Over time, these magicians that created these works of science grew more attached to the metalwork of the machines than the magic itself, causing the Artificer specialization to be born. Not long after this, a new class of magicless Artificers were born, further separating the disciplines. At this time, as magic users and Magic Gems were abundant, and their power was easily accessible, not much progress was made on magic independent powered machines. As Magic Gems became more rare and valuable, artificers began experimenting with reverse engineering magic powered machines to produce more accessible technology. Ranks   Apprentice The first rank in the journal of an Artificer is to gain experience with mechanical machines. Often they start under a Journeyman working manual labor on large mechanical machines such as constructing cranes, gates, and dock work. Novice Novice candidates often advance to work under Adept Artificers with more delicate technology at small tinkerers shops, working on clocks and other small mechanical trinkets. Initiate Initiate Artificers, under the guidance of Adept or Master Artificers, produce new machines to be bought and used by tradespeople, merchants, and industrial farmers. Journeyman The first rank of a fully fledged Artificer able to do work unsupervised. They also lead Apprentices in maintenance and build projects of simpler machines in the field. They may also assist Adept or Master Artificers in maintenance of more complicated steam or oil machines. Adept/Adeptus Adept (female Adeptus) Artificers are highly skilled tradesmen. They are able to maintain, repair, and often make improvements to steam equipment. Some Adept/Adeptus may also oversee some aspects of production. It is also at this rank that they also begin to maintain and repair oil based machines under the guidance of Master or Grandmaster Artificers. Master Master's have learned how to embue the Moon Stones with magic using the Moon Gates. Master artificers are fully knowledgeable in steam powered machines. They pass on this knowledge of the way of steam to Initiates and Journeymen. At this point, they may specialize in inventing new steam machines, or they may be a technical resource in their production. They also may begin to research, design, build, or improve oil powered machines depending on the size and technical expertise of the Artificers chapter they are a part of. In special circumstances this rank may also experiment with lightning machines. Grandmaster The highest traditional rank of Artificer, Grandmasters guide the day to day for the guild by overseeing guild chapters across Bryn. This rank also contributes to research (especially lightning machines), oversees production of machines, and assigns work details for their chapter. In larger chapters, there may be multiple Grandmasters overseeing different aspects of the guild chapter. A master Artificer must be sponsored by a Grandmaster for a chance to join their ranks. Once sponsored, an election by Master and Grandmaster ranks will determine if the Master Artificer joins the Grandmaster rank. Elder Grandmaster The current Guild leader has a special designation of Elder Grandmaster and directs research efforts for the entire guild across all chapters. Disciplines   Mechanical Machines Mechanical Machines were independently discovered from Magic hundreds of years ago. The most basic form of these machines are mechanical advantage contraptions, such as levers, pullies, and gears. These were primarily powered by animals or sentient species, gravity, or potential energy saved in springs. More complicated inventions grew into clocks, gates, cranes, drawbridges, horse drawn plows, etc. Steam Engine Machines Steam powered machines originated with magic as their power source. Magic Gems provided ample power, usually in the form of fire or steam that was directly converted to power machines. Machines previously limited by the strength of animals were now vastly more powerful. Over the last century it has become common for these types of machines to be powered directly by fire or steam without the use of magic, allowing these types of machines to be used by more people around Bryn. These machines are still quite expensive, so is most commonly found in larger towns / small cities or larger. It is uncommon to see these machines in small villages due to the cost. The most common use for these machines are to run mills, forge presses, operating large gates. Recently steam has been able to power more advanced machinery such as farming equipment, smithing equipment, and river steamboats although rare. Oil Engine Machines A new form of machine powered by the more energy dense oil has been discovered in the last decade due to the need of more advanced machinery. These machines are vastly more compact and energy efficient than steam powered machines, and have started being mass produced for large customers in mainly large cities and metropolises. While being more powerful and compact, the true potential of these machines is just starting to show. Primarily, these machines power larger equipment such as farming equipment, mining equipment, and ocean steamboats with more power and efficiency than steam power. Lightning Machines A new type of machine has been experimented with recently, although currently it is only possible to power these machines with the use of lightning magic. These types of machines are capable of much more than brute strength tasks that engine powered machines are. These types of machines can sense and interact with light, magnetism, and metal. The potential of this is exciting for the Artificer community, and they discover more interactions between lightning and the world around them, though practical applications are very limited as this technology is still being developed. Current uses are rumored to include metal ore sensing machines to assist in mining efforts. Magic Machines A machine capable of interacting with the Æther directly is the holy grail of Artificers. The ability to perform magic without the requirement of a magic user or Magic Gems would allow the world to progress without a reliance on magic. Research into this technology would also uncover new understanding and meaning to what magic is, although to most this is considered a fool's dream.


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