Čopoy e Wrodand (/ˈʧopoj e wrodand/)

Translates to "Gateway to Wrodand" in Common from Old Akath, Yoyeyam


Čopoy e Wrodand is a mountain pass that carries enormous historical significance, having been used by countless caravans traveling between the continent of Akath and its sister continent, Wrodand, on the other side of the mountains. The pass is a crucial segment of the Tea Tradeway, an extensive trade route that spans the entirety of Caanae, and has played a significant role in the development of trade and commerce in the region.
Despite its importance, the journey through the pass is fraught with peril, and it is not uncommon for caravans to face numerous challenges along the way. Guides from Akath are hired to escort caravans across the pass, and they earn their livelihoods by ensuring the safety of their charges. The winding way between the great mountain ranges to the north and south of the pass is filled with a variety of dangers, including brigands, monsters, rock slides, and more. These obstacles pose a significant threat to travelers, and it is crucial that they be prepared to face them head-on.
Despite the risks, however, the Tea Tradeway remains a vital artery of commerce and trade in the region, and it continues to play a crucial role in the economy of Caanae. As such, the safety of those who travel along the Tea Tradeway, and particularly through Čopoy e Wrodand, remains a matter of utmost importance to the people of Akath and Wrodand alike.
Mountain Pass
Included Locations


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