Žmeyob Ākha Otš (/ˈʒmejob ˈaːxa otʃ/)


The remarkable Žmeyob Ākha Otš, with its expansive reach, spans an approximate total area of 563,409 square miles. Its vastness is not only in its breadth, but also in its length, making it the most extensive among the Ākha Otš. Stretching approximately 1,386 miles in length, it's a testament to the grandeur of natural formations. Intriguingly, the Žmeyob Ākha Otš exists exclusively within the confines of the southern half of the continent of Akath. This geographical positioning is significant as it demarks part of the eastern boundary of the continent, a defining border that transitions into the continent of Wrodand.

Alternative Name(s)
Low Ākha Mountains
Mountain Range
Location under


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